A data availability server for the Arbitrum Nitro stack, leveraging Celestia DA ✨
cd cmd && go build -o celestia-server
FROM ghcr.io/celestiaorg/nitro-das-celestia:v0.4.0
./celestia-server --enable-rpc --rpc-addr $RPC_ADDR \
--rpc-port $RPC_PORT --celestia.auth-token $AUTH_TOKEN \
--celestia.gas-price $GAS_PRICE \
--celestia.gas-multiplier $GAS_MULTIPLIER \
--celestia.namespace-id $NAMESPACEID \
--celestia.rpc $CELESTIA_NODE_ENDPOINT \
--celestia.keyname $KEYNAME
./celestia-server --help
Usage of daserver:
--celestia.auth-token string Auth token for Celestia Node
--celestia.cache-time duration how often to clean the in memory cache (default 30m0s)
--celestia.dangerous-reorg-on-read-failure DANGEROUS: reorg if any error during reads from celestia node
--celestia.enable Enable Celestia DA
--celestia.gas-multiplier float Gas multiplier for Celestia transactions (default 1.01)
--celestia.gas-price float Gas for retrying Celestia transactions (default 0.01)
--celestia.namespace-id string Celestia Namespace to post data to
--celestia.noop-writer Noop writer (disable posting to celestia)
--celestia.read-auth-token string Auth token for Celestia Node
--celestia.read-rpc string separate celestia RPC endpoint for reads
--celestia.rpc string Rpc endpoint for celestia-node
--celestia.validator-config.blobstream string Blobstream address, only used for validation
--celestia.validator-config.eth-rpc string Parent chain connection, only used for validation
--celestia.validator-config.sleep-time int How many seconds to wait before initiating another filtering loop for Blobstream events (default 3600)
--enable-rpc enable the HTTP-RPC server listening on rpc-addr and rpc-port
--log-level string log level, valid values are CRIT, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG, TRACE (default "INFO")
--log-type string log type (plaintext or json) (default "plaintext")
--metrics enable metrics
--metrics-server.addr string metrics server address (default "")
--metrics-server.port int metrics server port (default 6070)
--metrics-server.update-interval duration metrics server update interval (default 3s)
--pprof enable pprof
--pprof-cfg.addr string pprof server address (default "")
--pprof-cfg.port int pprof server port (default 6071)
--rpc-addr string HTTP-RPC server listening interface (default "localhost")
--rpc-port uint HTTP-RPC server listening port (default 9876)
--rpc-server-body-limit int HTTP-RPC server maximum request body size in bytes; the default (0) uses geth's 5MB limit
--rpc-server-timeouts.idle-timeout duration the maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled (http.Server.IdleTimeout) (default 2m0s)
--rpc-server-timeouts.read-header-timeout duration the amount of time allowed to read the request headers (http.Server.ReadHeaderTimeout) (default 30s)
--rpc-server-timeouts.read-timeout duration the maximum duration for reading the entire request (http.Server.ReadTimeout) (default 30s)
--rpc-server-timeouts.write-timeout duration the maximum duration before timing out writes of the response (http.Server.WriteTimeout) (default 30s)
The celestia server binary won't throw an error if you forget to set the validator config, if you are running validators for your chain, please read carefully
In order to ensure the validator for an Orbit chain is capable of fulffiling its role in case of a challenge, its important that the celestia-server command is given the following flags / configurations:
--celestia.validator-config.blobstream string Blobstream address, only used for validation
--celestia.validator-config.eth-rpc string Parent chain connection, only used for validation
Additionally the --celestia.validator-config.sleep-time
lets you configure how many seconds you want the GetProof
method to wait before trying to fetch for an onchain event for a Blobstream proof (default is 3600
or 1 hour). Note that all the validator config values can be hot reloaded.
For the blobstream
flag, you want to pass an address for the blobstream instance in the parent chain (i.e if you are running a validator for an Ethereum L2, the parent chain is Ethereum Mainnet), addresses for currently deployed instances of SP1 Blobstream can be found here. If you are deploying on a parent chain that is not in this list, please follow this guide to get a new deployment running and contact, and reach out to the Succinct Team for more information.
For the eth-rpc
flag, you just need to provide an rpc for the parent chain, and since you are running a node you likely already have an endpoint available in your nitro node config that can be re-used here. (NOTE: connection type is http)
While e2e tests excist, users might want to test and verify that the da server's GetProof
method functions as expected, the blobstream_test.go
provides a way to do this.
There's an example .env
file you can switch the values for, which are preconfigured to run against a Nitro x Celestia deployment on Arbitrum One (Mainnet).
The easiest way to run the test is to:
- run a celestia light node against celestia mainnet
- put an RPC endpoint for Arbitrum one in your
file - run
go test -v -timeout 30s -run ^TestGetProofVerification$/^Get_Proof_e2e$
For those interested in doing their own testing, you can switch the values in the .env
accordingly (make sure you are using the correct blobstream address for the network given in the ETH_RPC variable. All other values can be found through the celestia node cli or through the use of an explorer such as Celenium. If you are going to perform the test against a network other than Arbitrum One, you will need to deploy the wrapper contract around the blobstream verification library, the necessary contracts and deployment scripts can be found in the test