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Stephen Vickers edited this page Mar 25, 2024 · 2 revisions

An LTI connection must be configured in both the LTI platform (typically a VLE/LMS) and within WordPress (Pressbooks). Within the platform, the content-item/deep linking message should be enabled so that instructors can select the book section to be opened from each link added to their course. The endpoint to use for this message type is the same as for launch messages. During this selection process a page listing all the available books will be displayed; the presentation is based on the selection made when the platform was configured and may be either a tree structure, for example:

Content selection using a tree structure

or a filtered table, for example:

Content selection using a filtered table

With the tree structure, each book can be expanded by clicking on its title. If the platform accepts more than a single link in the response, then the sections of each book are shown with checkboxes and as many section as required can be selected (click on the Select all text to select all the sections of a book). Otherwise radio buttons are displayed and only one book section can be selected, any existing selection being replaced by the new one. One all the sections have been selected, click on the Submit button to send the selection to the platform and have a link to each one added to the course.

With the filtered table, the table can be filtered by selecting a specific book (after which a part of the book can also be selected), and/or adding text to filter on the chapter titles or keywords. The matching of any text entered is not case sensitive and words may appear in any order. A specific word order can be searched by enclosing it within double quotes. If the platform accepts more than a single link in the response then multiple chapter (row) can be selected across multiple pages; otherwise only a single chapter can be selected at any one time.

Manually adding a content link

If the content-item/deep linking message type is not available in the LTI platform being used, and it allows custom parameters to be specified for each LTI link added to a course, then a link can be manually added if you know the book ID and the section ID.

The book ID is the value of the id query parameter displayed in the browser's navigation bar when editing the book; such 22 from the following example:


The section ID is the value of the post query parameter displayed in the browser's navigation bar when editing the section; such 5 from the following example:


The two ID values are combined to make the value of a custom parameter named section which will be passed when launching the LTI link created in the course; for example:


Note that some platforms such as Blackboard Learn and Canvas do not allow custom parameters to be specified manually for a link; for such platforms the content-item/deep linking message must be used.

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