Python based MDSplus tree traverser.
This tool is developed for people who embrace terminal, dislike graphical tools as much as me(Cenk). It allows users to dump the tree structure of a mds tree to terminal.
It's tested with mdsplus version in tcvdata, lacs, and current stable branch of mdsplus (7.96-17). MDS python interface has been improved in recent years, so with the mdsplus-stable, the speed is significantly better.
- The ptraverser shows the "RECORD", and not the "DATA" of nodes. It basically shows what you'd see
in traverser/jTraverser or what is returned by
. - The tree nodes has many extra attributes, ptraverser only shows some of them.
- If a tree contains raw data, it may use a lot of memory, and output may be too large. For
instance, don't use it to show data in a raw tree. If you want to see only the structure of such
a tree, you can use
--wdata 0
(which will make it not even read the data for the nodes) - It can show tags for each node, and something called "Alternative path". This is useful if there is multiple ways to access a node, due to tags set at different levels.
- If you want to traverse a tree progressively, use
option (-m 1
), then at next run, you can traverse only in the node you want to see using--startnode,-S
option (See examples) - There is support for wildcards and regular expressions. Wildcards are very efficient as they are natively supported by mdsplus. For details on wildcard examples, see:
Common examples
# Show help
./ -h
./ -t ecrh
# Traverse measurements node of ECRH tree
./ -t ecrh -S MEASUREMENTS
# Traverse HARDWARE.TCPIP node of ATLAS tree, show full node paths
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP -f
# Traverse HARDWARE.TCPIP node of ATLAS tree, maximum depth 1
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP -f -m 1
# Traverse HARDWARE.TCPIP node of ATLAS tree, maximum depth 1, don't show ON/OFF status
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP -f -m 1 --hide-onoff
# Traverse HARDWARE.TCPIP node of ATLAS tree, don't traverse in the nodes that are OFF
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP --dont-traverse-off-nodes
# Traverse MEASUREMENTS node of ECRH tree for shot 65400
./ -t ecrh -S MEASUREMENTS -s 65400
# Traverse MEASUREMENTS node of ECRH tree, hide tag and alt-path fields, limit data field to 100 chars
./ -t ecrh -S MEASUREMENTS --wtag 0 --walt 0 --wdata 100
# Traverse ATLAS tree, for wildcard pattern HARDWARE.TCPIP:DT_ECE_00*
./ -t atlas -w HARDWARE.TCPIP:DT_ECE_00*
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP -w DT_ECE_00* # Same result
./ -t atlas -w \\DT4G_ECE_00* # Same result
# Show all nodes under atlas tree that has tag \DT196_* -t atlas -w \\DT196* -m 0
# Regex matching, experimental feature: It's much slower then wildcards
# Traverse MIX dtacqs and show nodes that match DECIM_* or I_START -t atlas -w HARDWARE.TCPIP:DT_MIX*:CHANNEL_*:* -m 0 -r "DECIM.*|I_START" -f -t atlas -w HARDWARE.TCPIP:DT_MIX* -r "DECIM.*|I_START" -f
Example for progressive traversing into a tree using --maxdepth,-m
# Traverser atlas HARDWARE.TCPIP node only 1 level. This will reveal all dtacq nodes
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP -m 1 -f --wusage 0 --wdata 0 --walt 0 --wtag 0
# Get the name from output of last command and traverse into specific dtacq node
./ -t atlas -S HARDWARE.TCPIP.DT_MIX_001
Example for comparing tree structure/data from 2 shots.
# Compare everything including ON/OFF status, data, tags...
./ -t ecrh -s 65400 > ecrh65400.txt
./ -t ecrh -s 65401 > ecrh65401.txt
vimdiff -c 'set diffopt+=iwhite' ecrh65400.txt ecrh65401.txt # vimdiff ignoring white space changes
diff --ignore-space-change ecrh65400.txt ecrh65401.txt # diff, ignoreing white space change
# Compare only tree structure, ignore data, tags, on-off status, alternative paths
./ -t ecrh -s 65400 --hide-onoff --walt 0 --wtag 0 --wdata 0 > ecrh65400_struct.txt
./ -t ecrh -s 65401 --hide-onoff --walt 0 --wtag 0 --wdata 0 > ecrh65401_struct.txt
vimdiff -c 'set diffopt+=iwhite' ecrh65400_struct.txt ecrh65401_struct.txt
diff --ignore-space-change ecrh65400_struct.txt ecrh65401_struct.txt
Example bash loop for running all tcv trees and putting them in folder with todays date:
datstr=$(date +%Y%m%d)
mkdir -p $datstr
for tree in atlas base diagz diag_act ecrh hybrid magnetics manual power results vsystem ;
do -t ${tree} -f > ${datstr}/${tree}.txt
- If the tree is remote, node.getUsage() raises exception, so the usage will be set to UNKNOWN