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Custom Lightshot server

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What is this?

This is a custom server for the screen shot tool Lightshot.

How do I install this?

Download the latest build here and run the jar file.

Example command line arguments:

java -Xmx100M -jar LightShotServer-VERSION.jar port=8080 https=false pageValid=validPage.html pageInvalid=invalidPage.html

Command line options

  • host: Your host name. (String)
  • port: Your port. (Integer)
  • https: Whether to use https or not. (Boolean)
  • pageValid: File path of the page which will be shown when a user requests to see an existing (valid) image (String)
  • pageInvalid: File path of the page which will be shown when a user requests to see a non existing (invalid) image (String)
  • logCons: (Optional) Sets whether connections should be logged or not (Boolean)

How do I use this (client side)?

  1. You need to have the Lightshot tool installed.
  2. Open your hosts file. (Windows: %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts)
  3. Add this line: (replace with the ip of your server)
  4. Restart the Lightshot task (and reload your hosts file if needed)