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Card terminology

Cervon Wong edited this page Dec 19, 2020 · 6 revisions

Card terminology

Types of cards


  • Due cards
    Cards that are to be reviewed on the current day. Cards are due when Sona's AI has decided that it is the most efficient time to review the card for you to memorize it. The number of due cards do not change whether or not they have been reviewed on the current day.

  • Reviewed cards
    Cards that have been reviewed on the current day. The number of reviewed cards starts from zero cards at the start of the day and reaches a maximum number equal to the number of due cards on the current day.

  • Unreviewed cards
    Cards that have not been reviewed on the current day and are due. The number of unreviewed cards starts from the number of due cards at the start of the day and reaches a minimum number of zero cards.
    So, Reviewed cards + Unreviewed cards = Due cards

  • Overdue cards
    Cards that are due the before the current day but have not been reviewed. Overdue cards are considered as part of due cards. However, overdue cards are given more priority in reviews and Sona's AI will take the overdue period into account when scheduling cards. Having overdue cards is not undesired and not inherently bad. If you take a break from Sona on one day, you will have overdue cards the next day. It is normal for you to have overdue cards.

  • Unscheduled cards
    Cards that have never been reviewed before and are not due for review on the current day.


  • Linked cards
    Cards that have content similar to each other/one another. Cards can be automatically linked to each other/one another if they are generated by the same Entry. Cards can also be manually assigned as linked to each other. The benefit of linking cards is that linked cards will not be due for review in short time intervals between each other/one another. Easily recalling one linked card is taken into account when Sona's AI schedules cards such that other linked cards will be due for review even later. The inverse is also true. You can link cards that have similar content to improve the scheduling of your cards. However, do not link cards that test on different content.

  • Hidden cards
    Cards that will no longer be due for review until unhidden. Cards can be hidden automatically or manually. An example of automatic hiding of cards is when a card has reached a certain threshold and is deemed by Sona's AI to be ingrained in your long-term memory and hence graduated. Hiding cards manually is useful if you want to avoid reviewing the card for some time, but don’t want to delete it.

  • Suspended cards
    Cards that will not be able to be reviewed and will not be due on the current day. Suspended cards will be unsuspended the next day, unless it is suspended again on the next day automatically by Sona's AI. An example of automatic suspension of cards is when one linked card is due for review on a day, the other linked card(s) will be suspended on the current day. Suspending cards manually is useful if you cannot be answer a due card at the moment or you want to come back to it the next day.

  • Starred cards
    Cards that are marked with a star. When reviewing, you will be able to see if a card is starred. You can also search for starred cards easily. Starring cards is useful when you want to take some action on the card at a later date, such as looking up a word when you get home.


  • Unseen cards
    Cards that have never been reviewed before. This is similar to unscheduled cards, except that unscheduled cards are not scheduled on the current day. Unseen cards can be scheduled on the current day.

  • New cards
    Cards that have been reviewed for the first time.

  • Learning cards
    Cards that have been reviewed a few times.

  • Revising cards
    Cards that have been reviewed many times.

  • Mastered cards
    Cards that have been committed to long-term memory. Mastered cards will no longer be due for review unless reset manually. When your cards are mastered, it means that it is unlikely for you to forget this card. Good job!