CHECK .env
variables and rename .env.sample
to .env
Paranoia is a real live game that uses this app as its manager, the game consists in a group of persons that are each asigned a random secret target (other participant) and a secret mission. The objective is to induce your target to perform whatever your mission states, your target doesn't know who is out to get him/her, nor the mission that you have to accomplish. If you complete your mission, your target is eliminated and you asume his/her target and mission, but be aware, someone is out to get you too... The last survivor wins, or in case the time runs out, the participant with a bigger number of kills becomes the victor.
- 404: As a user I can see a 404 page if I try to reach a page that does not exist so that I know it's my fault
- 500 As a user I want to see a nice error page when the super team screws it up so that I know that is not my fault
- Signup: As an anon I can sign up in the platform so that I can see my profile and join a game
- Login: As a user I can login to the platform so that I can see my profile and join a game
- Logout: As a user I can logout from the platform so no one else can use it
- Create game As a user I can add a new game so that I can invite new participants
- Join game As a user I can join a game I've been invited to
- Edit profile As a user I can edit my profile so that I can add a photo or change my killer sentence
- Delete game As a user (game admin) I can delete the game so that I can finish the game
- Invite Player As a user (game admin) I can invite player to the game so that they receive a code and join the game.
- Game Detail As a user I can access the gameroom so that I can use the platform to eliminate other participants, send a messege and check the state of the game.
- Start Game As a game admin (user) I can, once the participants have accepted my invitations, start the game so that we can start playing and the app starts managing the game.
- Accomplish Mission As a user, I can signal that I have completed a mission so that my target gets notified, eliminated from the game and I can recieve my new mission.
Messenger service
- Send anonymous messages to other participants
QR code
- Generate a QR code so that participants can be added to a game through the code
- Send email to participants for invite them and notified them when they get eliminated, or when the game ends.
Random missions
- Generate random missions
- Show alerts when the creator of the game wants to return to distribute missions or want to end the game
POST /auth/signup body :
- username
- password $ Required fields $ User.dataB => createUser usertaken? res.JSON(422) + User taken req.session.currentUser = new User res.status(200).json + User Data
POST/auth/login req.session.currentUser? res.status(401).json + ERROR body :
- username
- password
$ Required fields $
User.dataB => checkuserInfo
req.session.currentUser = user
res.status(200).json + User Data
: res.status(xxx).json + message user/pass invalid; else res.status(404).json
POST /auth/logout req.session = null res.status(204).send() + OK
PATCH /user/edit userID, profileInfo
User.db.find(UserID) user : user res.status.json + user info
GET /game/:id
userID, gameID Game.dataB.find(gameID) .populate() res.status(200).Json + Game data -
POST /game game info Object (model), $ Required fields $ New Game {game info object} adminID = req.currentUser._id game.admin = adminID Game.dataB.create(game) res.status(200).JSON + game Data
PUT /game/:id gameID, currentUserID, gameInfo,
Game.db.find(gameID) if currentUserID = game.admin game : gameinfo res.status.Json + gameinfo
POST game/:id/join UserID, joinInfo $ Required fields $ (QR || code), (mission || randomM) Game.db.find(gameCode) game.participant.push(UserID) game.mission.push(mission) res.status(200) {game data}
POST /game/:id/invite *backlog GameID , Emails construir URL con ID
conectar servicio email y enviar res.status(200).Json. "ok email" -
POST /game/id:/start gameID,
Game.db.find(gameID) sort mission and targets save game res.status(200).Json + game info
POST /game/:id/kill targetID, gameID, killCode
Game.find(gameID) Game.participants.find(targetID) participant.killCode = killCode? game.participant.delete res.status(200).Json + game Info
DELETE /game/:ID/over gameID, currentUserID
Game.db.find(gameID) if currentUserID = game.admin game.delete res.status + message
User model username: String unique email: String unique password: hashed String
Game model roomName: String admin: [ObjectID] participants: Array of [ObjectID] OF USER missions: [{
}] ending date: date number of survivors: Number killLog: Array of objects
Missions title target killer id- code
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