This is a naval battle game where two players take turns firing at grid coordinates in an attempt to sink the fleet of their opponent.
The top-most grid displays your ships and the bottom grid shows where you have shot at your opponent. A hit is represented by a red square and a miss is represented by a white square. The number in the square represents the number of turns that have elapsed since that hit/miss.
For each turn, the play can select an ordinance type from the following options:
- shell - hits anything occupying the 1 grid cell it was fired at
- missile - hits a 3x3 square centered at the grid cell it was fired at. You only can use this ONE time per game
- drone - provides "intel" ( 5x5 a view of the opponent's grid centered at the position it was fired at.)
After each turn, the ships move according to their speed. The ship speeds are:
- carrier - 1 cell per turn
- destroyer - 2 cells per turn
- submarine - 2 cells per turn
- corvette - 3 cells per turn
- cruiser - 3 cells per turn
When a ship reaches the boundary of the board, it will turn around (1 turn) and continue in the opposite direction.
If you fire upon a cell with multiple ships present, ALL ships in that cell will be hit.
- include heading in intel
This section contains ideas for further enhancements for the game.
- submarines can only be hit if they're the only thing in a cell
- "Easy Mode" - disables ship movement
- prevent second connection from same user (to prevent acting as an observer on own game)