Package template files of CloudFormation.
npm i -g @cfn2/package
# Package and upload local artifacts.
$ cfn-package --template-file path/to/template \
--output-template-file path/to/output \
--s3-bucket bucket-name \
--s3-prefix prefix
# Package and deploy.
$ cfn-package --template-file path/to/template \
--s3-bucket bucket-name \
--s3-prefix prefix \
--deploy \
--stack-name MyStack \
# Update functions directly in a existing stack of the CloudFormation.
# In this case, Both --update-functions and --stack-name must be specified.
$ cfn-package --template-file path/to/template \
--s3-bucket bucket-name \
--s3-prefix prefix \
--update-functions --stack-name MyStack
See aws cloudformation package for descriptions of options.
If a local artifact of a template file is a project directory of node.js, the cfn-package
command packs the directory with using npm-lambda-pack, and uploads the package that is packed for production.