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Simple Patch Loader

A simple patch loader for Geode. Supports MHv5, MHv6, GDHM and its own format. Integrates with MHv7 if installed.


Press [Caps Lock] to open the menu.

Click "Open Patches Folder" and put your patch files in there:

  • root folder contains patches designed specifically for Simple Patch Loader
  • mhv5 sub-folder contains patches designed for Mega Hack v5
  • mhv6 sub-folder contains patches designed for Mega Hack v6
  • gdhm sub-folder contains patches designed for GD HackerMode
  • old-gdhm sub-folder contains patches designed for old versions of GDHM

For Windows users

You can download MHv5's hacks directly from SPL using the "Download MHv5 hacks" button.

You can also download GDHM (see video description) and copy the .json files from .GDHM/mod into gdhm in SPL's patches folder.

Patch Format

  • The file name is the category ID
  • The file in JSON format
  • Root object contains name and patches
    • name is a string which is the category name
    • patches is an object containing the patches
      • The keys are patch IDs
      • The values are objects, containing name, description and address
        • name is the patch name
        • description is the patch description shown when hovering in the menu (doesn't work when SPL is used with MHv7)
        • address is an object, containing the actual patches
          • The keys have the following syntax: module signature offsets
            • (optional) module - base module name (such as libcocos2d.dll), defaults to the base module (GD itself)
            • (optional) signature - signature to use to scan for an address in the selected module, sets current address to the found address
            • offsets - offsets from the current address
    "name": "Test",
    "patches": {
        "test-patch": {
            "name": "Test Patch",
            "description": "old accurate percentage",
            "address": {
                "0x208114": "C7 02 25 66 25 25 8B 87 C0 03 00 00 8B B0 04 01 00 00 F3 0F 5A C0 83 EC 08 F2 0F 11 04 24 83 EC 04 89 14 24 90",
                "0x20813F": "83 C4 0C"
        "test-2": {
            "name": "Test 2",
            "description": "new accurate percentage",
            "address": {
                "[33 C9 F3 0F 10 00 F3 0F 5E 87 B4 03 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 05]": "F3 0F 10 00 F3 0F 5E 87 B4 03 00 00 BA ref:0x2E65C0 F3 0F 59 02 0F 2F 02 76 04 F3 0F 10 02 8B 87 C0 03 00 00 8B B0 04 01 00 00 F3 0F 5A C0 83 EC 08 F2 0F 11 04 24 68 ref:0x2881B0",
                "0x20813F": "83 C4 0C",
                "0x2881B0": "25 2E 32 66 25 25 00"
        "test-3": {
            "name": "Test 3",
            "description": "new accurate percentage but with offsets",
            "address": {
                "[C9 F3 0F 10 00 F3 0F 5E 87 B4 03 00 ?? ?? ?? ?? 05] 0x1 -": "F3 0F 10 00 F3 0F 5E 87 B4 03 00 00 BA ref:0x2E65C0 F3 0F 59 02 0F 2F 02 76 04 F3 0F 10 02 8B 87 C0 03 00 00 8B B0 04 01 00 00 F3 0F 5A C0 83 EC 08 F2 0F 11 04 24 68 ref:0x2881B0",
                "0x20813F": "83 C4 0C",
                "0x2881B0": "25 2E 32 66 25 25 00"
        "test-4": {
            "name": "uwu :3",
            "description": "no paritcles",
            "address": {
                "libcocos2d.dll 0xB76C5": "31 F6",
                "libcocos2d.dll 0xB8ED6": "00"