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$ npm install jam --save

JAM is another kind of async framework that tries to have as minimum boilerplate code as possible with sensible defaults. (Or as sensible as I can make it; PR and ideas welcome.)

JAM wants you to get right in to building your async chain as soon as possible.

JAM also aims to bundle with itself some "combinators" (or just "helpers") which helps you manipulate arguments and functions that are being passed around in the chain with ease. There is only a handful of them right now, but I will add more whenever I see a good use for one.


JAM functions must accept a next argument first thing which you should call as soon as your asynchronous processing is done:

Let's start with the simplest possible invocation of jam:

var chain = jam( function(next) { next(); } );

JAM will starts executing your chain as soon as nextTick. So, in the event loop time you have been allocated, you can add as many methods as you like and the chain will start executing as soon your loop finishes. No more steps necessary!

You may think that this poses a problem but I find that most (if not all) of the cases where you want to do multiple asynchronous calls, you will build all your calls in a single run loop. So this is a non-issue.

To add a method to the chain, simply invoke the result from the last JAM invocation as a function like this:

chain = chain( function secondStep(next) { next(); } );

JAM expects most asynchronous method calls to be executed serially so that is what the chain does by default when you start adding methods to the chain.

Since JAM return values are just functions, you don't even need to hold it in a variable if you like extra brevity of code:

jam( function firstStep(next)  { next(); } )
  (  function secondStep(next) { next(); } )
  (  function lastStep()       { } );

JAM also handles Errors for you. Note:

  • The convention here is that the last function in the chain is often the one that will handle all errors in the chain.
  • The last function does not need any more next() since it's the last one.

JAM convention utilizes the two facts above to pass any Error that happens in the chain to the last function as first argument.

So if you need error handling, write the last function as a standard node.js callback:

jam(function erroneous(next) {
    next(new Error('naw!');
  (function handler(err) {
    if (err) { console.log(err.stack); }

Additionally, JAM also passes anything else given to the next() function to the next one as arguments as well so you can do this:

jam(function(next) { fs.readFile('filename.txt', next); })
  (function(next, data) {
    console.log("FILE DATA:\r\n" + data);

This is much better than if JAM put next() as the last argument since some functions calls your callback with more arguments than you need (or aware of) thus making your code dependent on the number of arguments given.

Passing next as first argument eliminates the dependency since you can bind as many arguments as you want and the next() is still passed as first argument always.

Since this pattern allows you to pass functions verbatim, JAM also helps you binds the funciton context as well if you supply the context object as the second argument:

var myObj =
  { text: 'HELLO'
  , echo: function() { console.log(this.text); }

jam(myObj.echo, myObj); // executes myObj.echo with this === myObj

Additionally, there are helpers available that lets you build JAM chains more easily.


This is just a quick list to give you some ideas. More documentation on helpers are available with with the annotated source of jam.js.

Or feel free to ping me @chakrit on Twitter or open a GH issue for questions.

identity( )

jam(function first(next) { next('one'); })
  (function second(err, arg) {
    assert(arg === 'one'); // passese

Passes arguments it receives to the next function in the chain without any modification. Also useful as a starting point when building a complex jam chain (i.e. in a for loops that re-uses the jam return values.)

See nextTick() below.

nextTick( )

jam( function firstStep(next) { next(); } )
  ( jam.nextTick )
  ( function badSecondStep(next) { next(); } );

Except for the first invocation, JAM chains are executed synchronously one after another as soon as you call next(). This may pose a problem for some code that does not expect asynchronous functions to execute immeditaely.

This function fixes this case by inserting a nextTick() in-between the call chain to make sure it executes on process.nextTick.

This function is actually just an alias for .identity

return( [args...] )

function handleFileContent(e, file) {

// parallel handleFileContent jam
['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt'].forEach(function(file) {
    ( // no function() needed!

This allows you to provide arguments to the next function in the chain (or for starting it) without modifying or wrapping code for the rest of the chains.

call( func, [args...] )

  (function(e, fileContent) {
    // fileContent is the content of the right file

This helper lets you call standard node.js functions that expect callbacks at the end. Additionally, any arguments that would normally be given to the chain function would be used to call the function instead (next() is then added at the end of the arguments list).

each and map( array, iterator( next, element, index ) )

var FILES = 'file1.txt,file2.txt,file3.txt'.split(',');

jam(, function(next, filename) {
  fs.readFile(filename, next);

})(function(e, result) {
  var cat = result.join('');


Runs the iterator for each element in the array. The iterator is given its own version of next() and the element to process. If no array is given, the method assumes that the previous step in the chain produce something that looks like an array.

Internally a new JAM chain is built and a chain step is added for each element.

The next step in the JAM chain will receive the original array verbatim, or the transformed result in case of map.

See the example/map.js file for more information.

promise( chain )

var chain = jam(jam.identity); // or any existing chain
fs.readFile('file1.txt', chain.promise()); // adds a step to "wait" for fs.readFile result

chain(function(e, content) {
  console.log("Content of file1 is:");

Creates and return a special promise-style callback function that is internally bound to the JAM chain. This callback accepts the standard node.js callback signature of function(e, args) and upon calling, will pass any given arguments properly into the next function in the JAM chain.

This function is useful when you have already started a JAM chain and want to include an asynchronous function into the chain but do not want to wrap the initial call into the chain as well (so you can create a .promise() callback from the chain and pass that instead effectively making the chain wait for the callback.)

This function works regardless of wether the callback or the JAM chain is called first and will pass arguments and handle errors properly in both cases.

See the example/promise.js file for more information.


MIT (see LICENSE file for the full text.)


Pull requests and/or ideas welcome.

Please open a new GitHub Issue for any bugs you find or if you just had a question.


  • Binded calls. Something like jam.method(object, 'func') that works like
  • Nullify calls, in case you don't want any arguments passed.
  • Parellel map() ?


Short answer: Because the existing ones are so cumbersome to use that I just had enough with it.

Yeah, I know there're tons of other continuation helpers out there already but there really isn't one where you could quickly just type-in the list of stuff to do and be done with it without worrying about forgetting to close the list with that final parenthesis or forgetting to add a comma. And yeah, IMO it is wayyy easier to just add a (function() { }) block at the end because that's what you're usually doing all the time anyway taking care of all those JS variable scopes. Plus it is easier to copy/paste/reorder the steps as well.

Another thing is that most of the libraries try to provide you with a lot of powerful way to run asynchronous functions where most of the time you just want to reduce the amount of nesting in your code.

So my idea is that the interface should be really minimal using the most common case with sane defaults and then provide helpers for bringing edge cases into this minimal interface neatly so you can just get your stuff done without worrying about wether you are using the right async call or if you have the right number of arguments.

So I decided, WTH, I had enough and I could just write one.

And you gotta admit, writing all these stuff is just god damned fun! XD