Golang RESTful API Boilerplate with JWT Authentication and backend Mysql. It covers the basic needs, and boilerplate work of a new project. It promotes the best practices that follow the clean architecture.
The Rest API provides the following features right out of the box:
- Endpoints in the widely accepted format
- Standard CRUD operations
- JWT-based authentication
- Middleware
- Environment dependent application configuration
- Logging
- Error handling
- Database migration and seeding
- Data validation
- Full test cover
- Cache(Redis) integration
- Docker compose
- API doc using swagger as yaml file
It uses the following Go packages
- Routing: gorilla/mux
- Database access, migration and seeding: jinzhu/gorm
- Env controll: godotenv
- JWT: jwt-go
- Redis cache go-redis
Docker is needed if you want to try the API without setting up your own database server.
Run the following commands to start experiencing this API:
# download the starter kit
git clone https://github.com/chaksaray/Golang-REST-API-Boilerplate-with-JWT-and-Mysql.git
cd Golang-REST-API-Boilerplate-with-JWT-and-Mysql
# start a Mysql database server, redis cache & running project in a Docker container
docker-compose up -d
# generate and serve swagger of out api doc
# test our api
At this time, you have a REST API server running at
. It provides the following endpoints:
: show a welcome pagePOST /v1/login
: authenticates a user and generates a JWTGET /v1/users
: returns a paginated list of the albumsGET /v1/users/:id
: returns the detailed information of an userPOST /v1/users
: creates a new userPUT /v1/users/:id
: updates an existing userDELETE /v1/users/:id
: deletes a user
Also provide the endpoints of CRUD posts.
This API uses the following project layout:
├── app
│ ├── auth authentication feature
│ ├── cache redis cache is implemented here
│ ├── controllers all logic are here
│ ├── middlewares middleware func
│ ├── models all entities and all functions for calling to database
│ ├── startup where database, route, logger is started
│ ├── utils for the reusable funtions
| └── app.go where the app is run
├── bin useful commands
├── config database & redis cache configuration
├── docs api doc, swagger.yml
├── logs contain error & info log
├── mysql
| ├── seeds seeding database data
│ └── init-db.sql create database
├── tests
| ├── integration integration test
│ └── unit unit test
├── .env environment variables
└── main.go where our api is started