Moved to
mkdir build && cd build
PATH=/opt/od4/bin:$PATH cmake -D OPENDAVINCI_DIR=/opt/od4 -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/opt/opendlv.core ..
cd docker
make buildComplete
make createDockerImage
The resulting Docker image chalmersrevere/opendlv-core-on-opendavinci-ubuntu-16.04-complete:latest contains the OpenDLV core binaries on the latest OpenDaVINCI framework running on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Note that cmake is required to build opendlv.core for both native Linux and Docker building processes.
docker run -ti --rm --net host --user odv chalmersrevere/opendlv-core-on-opendavinci-ubuntu-16.04-complete:latest /bin/bash