This tool is used to import and export APIs from WSO2 API Manager.
Main functionality of API Export is to retrieve all the required meta information and registry resources for the requested API and generate a zipped archive.
Zipped archive consists of the following structure
|_ Meta Information
|_ api.json
|_ swagger.json
|_ Documents
|_ docs.json
|_ documents with type 'file'
|_ Image
|_ icon.<extension>
|_ <ApiName>-<version>.wsdl
|_ Sequences
|_ In Sequence
|_<Sequence Name>.xml
|_ Out Sequence
|_<Sequence Name>.xml
|_ Fault Sequence
|_<Sequence Name>.xml
API Import accepts the exported zipped archive and creates an API in the imported environment.
This feature has been implemented as a RESTful API.
RESTful API is protected with basic authentication.
A WAR(Web Archive) can be generated by building this source.
Place the api-import-export.war under repository -> deployment -> server -> webapps in WSO2 APi Manager 1.9.0 .
Log in to API Management console for the required tenant domain and deploy the WAR file.
- Once the web archive is deployed, API Import and Export can be done via invoking RESTful apis.
curl -H "Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -X GET "" -k >
curl -H "Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4taWSt34=" -X GET "" -k >
curl -H "Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -F file=@"full/path/to/the/zip/file" -k -X POST ""
The above command will keep the original provider of the API.
curl -H "Authorization:Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=" -F file=@"full/path/to/the/zip/file" -k -X POST ""
If there is a need to change the provider as the current logged in user, please use the above format.
Important Note :
When importing APIs across different tenants (Eg - API has been exported in super tenant and imported to another tenant domain),
value of the "preserveProvider" query parameter must always set to "false".