An efficient logic simulator for logic circuits.
Reference environment, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the following tools and libraries:
Tools: gcc 10.3.0 & g++ 10.3.0 & cmake 3.16.3
You can install these tools with the following command:
sudo apt install gcc-10 sudo apt install g++-10 sudo apt install cmake
You also need to check whether the default versions of gcc and g++ are 10.3.0:
gcc --version g++ --version
If the default versions of gcc and g++ are not 10.3.0, please change them to 10.3.0.
Libraries: libboost 1.74.0, libreadline 8.0-4, libgmp, libmpfr, libmpc
You can install these libraries with the following command:
sudo apt install libboost1.74-all-dev sudo apt install libreadline-dev sudo apt install libgmp-dev sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev sudo apt-get install libmpc-dev
git clone --recursive
Run the following commands in the project root directory.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j16
cd ..
It will generate simulator.out
in the project root directory.
The working flow of the logic simulation is generally like this:
- load circuit. The circuit is stored using a "NetMan" class, which is a wrapper class of the open-source LS tool ABC.
- create a "Simulator" class, which is built upon the "NetMan" class.
- randomly generate primary input patterns. Each node is associated with a simulation pattern. As shown in , in the Simulator class, dat[id] represents the simulation pattern of the id-th node. Note that dat[id] has the type of "boost::dynamic_bitset ", which is a bit vector.
- logic simulation. Traverse the nodes in topological order and update the simulation patterns for all nodes.
- print the signal probabilities.