isodd is for checking whether a integer, float or string is odd. It is similar with the is-odd package which is written in javascript. The package is 100% test coverage.
# download package with go mod
go get
# import package in your program
import ""
// some examples
var strNum1 string = "1"
isOdd, err := isodd.String(strNum1) // true, nil
var strNum2 string = "0"
isOdd, err := isodd.String(strNum2) // false, nil
var num int64 = -1
isOdd := isodd.Int64(num) // true
var num int64 = 0
isOdd := isodd.Int64(num) // false
// float type: it convert float to int type and
// then check whether it is odd
var num float32 = -1.32
isOdd := isodd.Float32(num) // true
var num float32 = 0
isOdd := isodd.Int64(num) // false
var num interface = "0"
isOdd := isodd.Interface(num) // false
go test -c -covermode=count -coverpkg ./...
coverage: 100.0% of statements in ./...