A trip planning app built to allow friends and family to collaborate, vote and comment on a desired itinerary for any city using Google Places and Google Maps API.
- Front-end built using HTML/CSS/SASS, React, Bootstrap, Materialize, Javascript, AJAX
- Backend was built using Node.js, Express, and PostreSQL,
- Google Places & Maps API was used to fetch top 20 locations from desired city.
- Responsive design to allow usage on both mobile and web.
- Dong Hu
- Shawna Lehman
- Node 5.10.x or above
- NPM 3.8.x or above
- antd: ^2.11.2,
- axios: ^0.13.1,
- babel-cli: ^6.24.1,
- babel-core: ^6.25.0,
- babel-loader: ^7.0.0,
- babel-plugin-lodash: ^3.2.11,
- babel-preset-es2015: ^6.22.0,
- babel-preset-react: 6.23.0,
- babel-preset-stage-0: 6.22.0,
- babel-preset-stage-2: ^6.24.1,
- bcrypt: ^1.0.2,
- bluebird: ^3.5.0,
- body-parser: ^1.17.2,
- bookshelf: ^0.10.3,
- classnames: ^2.2.5,
- commondir: ^1.0.1,
- css-loader: 0.26.1,
- dotenv: ^4.0.0,
- eslint: 3.15.0,
- eslint-plugin-react: 6.9.0,
- express: ^4.14.0,
- fetch: ^1.1.0,
- flux: ^2.1.1,
- jsonwebtoken: ^7.4.1,
- jwt-decode: ^2.2.0,
- keymirror: ^0.1.1,
- knex: ^0.13.0,
- locate-path: ^2.0.0,
- lodash: ^4.17.4,
- lodash-webpack-plugin: ^0.11.4,
- make-dir: ^1.0.0,
- material: ^0.1.1,
- material-auto-rotating-carousel: ^1.4.1,
- material-ui: ^0.18.6,
- node-fetch: ^1.7.1,
- node-sass: 4.5.0,
- pg: ^6.3.1,
- react: ^15.5.4,
- react-bootstrap: ^0.31.0,
- react-calendar-date-range-picker: ^0.9.6,
- react-dnd: ^2.4.0,
- react-dnd-html5-backend: ^2.4.1,
- react-dom: ^15.5.4,
- react-fontawesome: ^1.6.1,
- react-google-maps: ^7.0.0,
- react-google-maps-loader: ^2.0.3,
- react-google-places-suggest: ^2.1.1,
- react-grid-gallery: ^0.3.6,
- react-hot-loader: ^3.0.0-beta.7,
- react-materialize: ^1.0.1,
- react-redux: 4.3.0,
- react-router: ^4.1.1,
- react-router-dom: ^4.1.1,
- react-rpg: ^2.0.0,
- react-shopping-cart: ^1.6.4,
- react-simple-parallax: ^0.2.6,
- react-springy-parallax: ^1.0.11,
- react-swipeable-views: ^0.12.3,
- react-tap-event-plugin: ^2.0.1,
- react-transition-group: ^1.2.0,
- redux: ^3.0.4,
- redux-logger: ^3.0.6,
- redux-thunk: ^2.2.0,
- sass-loader: 6.0.0,
- shortid: ^2.2.8,
- simple-assign: ^0.1.0,
- sockjs-client: ^1.1.2,
- sortablejs: ^1.6.0,
- style-loader: 0.13.1,
- uglifyjs: ^2.4.10,
- underscore: ^1.8.3,
- url-loader: ^0.5.9,
- validator: ^7.0.0,
- webpack: 2.2.1,
- webpack-dev-server: 2.3.0