The IncucyteDRC package provides functionality for the analysis of data from live cell imaging cell proliferation experiments carried out on the Essen Biosciences IncuCyte ZOOM instrument
It is described in a paper by Chapman et al 2016 in F1000Research. There are two vignettes describing the package that can be viewed by typing browseVignettes('IncucyteDRC')
once the package is installed and loaded or by clicking on the links below:
Overview of IncucyteDRC
Exporting from IncucyteDRC
The production version can be found on CRAN:
Whereas the development version is on GitHub:
Further information on installation and common issues can be found on the git repo wiki:
There is a hosted version of the shiny app to try out the package without installing it:
Example data can be found in the git repo at:
If you find any bugs or have any feature suggestions please submit an issue on GitHub: