This is an automated facial recognition logger for video security surveillance using TensorFlow implementation of the face recognizer described in the paper "FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering".
The code is tested using TensorFlow 1.12 under Windows 10 with Python 3.6.
- Import bioeye.sql
- Configure the cameras in config.ini. Example:
cam0 = "https://root:ismart12@"
log0 = "in_log"
cam1 = "https://root:ismart12@"
log1 = "out_log"
- Run bioeye.exe. All cropped faces will be stored in the cluster folder.
- Run to segregate alike faces.
- Rename each folder in the train_img folder to identify each person.
- Press Ctrl+T in bioeye.exe to train the images in the train_img folder.
The code is heavily inspired by the Facenet implementation.