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Election_Analysis - Overview of Election Audit

Project Overview

The objective of this analysis is to assist Colorado Board of Elections employee with an election audit for a recent local congressional election following the steps below;

  • How many votes were cast in this congressional election?
  • Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of total votes for each county in the precinct.
  • Which county had the largest number of votes?
  • Provide a breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of the total votes each candidate received.
  • Which candidate won the election, what was their vote count, and what was their percentage of the total votes?

Election-Audit Results

  • In order to determine the total votes cast in this congressional election, the variable total_votes was set to 0 and iterated through each row and increments by 1

  • A breakdown of the number of votes and the percentage of total votes for each county in the precinct was determined by creating a county list and county votes dictionary county_names = [] and county_votes = {}and tracking the largest county and county voter turnout winning_county = "" winning_votes = 0, as well as running a for loop to retrieve vote count and percentage, calculate the percentage of votes for the county using the script vote_percentage_county = float(votes_county)/float(total_votes) * 100 and printing the the county results using an f" stringfunction. An if statement was looped into the above for loopto determine the winning county and get its vote count

  • To obtain the county with the largest number of votes, using the for loop above, the veriable winning_county was nested into the f" string ( f"------------------------------\n" f"Largest County Turnout: {winning_county}\n" f"------------------------------\n" ) and the winning county was printed and saved to a .txt file.

  • An if statement was looped into another for loopto determine the number of votes and the percentage of the total votes each candidate received and initializing a varable candidate_results to be equal to an f" string the result was printed and saved to a .txt file

  • Below is a breakdown of the election results

    • The analysis of the election show that:
      • There were "369,711" votes cast in the election.

      • The canditates were:

      • Charles Casper Stockham

      • Diana DeGette

      • Raymon Anthony Doane

      • The canditates results were:

        • Charles Casper Stockham received "23.0%" of the vote and "85,213" number of votes
        • Diana DeGette received "73.8%" of the vote and "272,892" number of votes
        • Raymon Anthony Doane received "3.1%" of the vote and "11,606" number of votes
      • The winner of the election was

        • Diana DeGette, who received "73.8%" of the vote and "272,892" number of votes
    • The analysis of the election challenge on the election results show that:
      • Jefferson County received "10.5%" of the vote and "38,855" number of votes
      • Denver County received "82.8%" of the vote and "306,055" number of votes
      • Arapahoe County received "6.7%" of the vote and "24,801" number of votes
    • The county with the highest turnout is Denver
    • Election screenshot is shown below

    Election Results


Election-Audit Summary

The python script written for this analysis can be used to perform analysis for other elections by;

  • Changing the current file part to a file part with the source data with the same number of columns.
  • alternatively, this script will also work for other data with more columns by appropriating the correct row index row[i] in the for loop.
  • The f" string can also be formatted to show several election variables


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