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Drop the cdkaddons label on ceph and keystone components
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addyess committed Jun 24, 2024
1 parent 37a553f commit f1c0382
Showing 1 changed file with 144 additions and 111 deletions.
255 changes: 144 additions & 111 deletions cdk-addons/apply
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@

import contextlib
import base64
import json
import os
Expand All @@ -13,6 +14,8 @@ from jinja2 import Template

template_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SNAP"], "templates")
addon_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SNAP_USER_DATA"], "addons")
retired_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SNAP_USER_DATA"], "addons-retired")
render_dir = addon_dir
dns_providers = {"core-dns": "core-dns.yaml", "kube-dns": "kube-dns.yaml"}
deletable_namespaces = ["kubernetes-dashboard"]

Expand All @@ -27,9 +30,22 @@ def main():

def retired(addon: str):
global render_dir
render_dir = retired_dir
print("Retiring addon: %s" % addon)
render_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["SNAP_USER_DATA"], "addons")

def render_templates():
shutil.rmtree(addon_dir, ignore_errors=True)
shutil.rmtree(retired_dir, ignore_errors=True)
node_count = get_node_count()
context = {
"arch": get_snap_config("arch"),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,97 +103,99 @@ def render_templates():
render_template("kube-state-metrics-{}.yaml".format(t), context)
rendered = True
if get_snap_config("enable-ceph", required=False) == "true":
ceph_context = context.copy()
default_storage = get_snap_config("default-storage", required=True)
ceph_context["admin_key"] = base64.b64decode(
get_snap_config("ceph-admin-key", required=True)
ceph_context["fsid"] = get_snap_config("ceph-fsid", required=True)
ceph_context["kubernetes_key"] = base64.b64decode(
get_snap_config("ceph-kubernetes-key", required=True)
ceph_context["mon_hosts"] = json.dumps(
get_snap_config("ceph-mon-hosts", required=True).split()
ceph_context["user"] = get_snap_config("ceph-user", required=False) or "admin"

render_template("ceph-secret.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-config-map.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-rbdplugin.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-rbdplugin-provisioner.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("ceph-csi-encryption-kms-config.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("ceph-conf.yaml", ceph_context)

ext4_context = ceph_context.copy()
if default_storage == "ceph-ext4":
ext4_context["default"] = True
ext4_context["default"] = False
ext4_context["pool_name"] = "ext4-pool"
ext4_context["fs_type"] = "ext4"
ext4_context["sc_name"] = "ceph-ext4"
with retired("ceph"):
ceph_context = context.copy()
default_storage = get_snap_config("default-storage", required=True)
ceph_context["admin_key"] = base64.b64decode(
get_snap_config("ceph-admin-key", required=True)
ceph_context["fsid"] = get_snap_config("ceph-fsid", required=True)
ceph_context["kubernetes_key"] = base64.b64decode(
get_snap_config("ceph-kubernetes-key", required=True)
ceph_context["mon_hosts"] = json.dumps(
get_snap_config("ceph-mon-hosts", required=True).split()
ceph_context["user"] = get_snap_config("ceph-user", required=False) or "admin"

render_template("ceph-secret.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-config-map.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-rbdplugin.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-rbdplugin-provisioner.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("ceph-csi-encryption-kms-config.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("ceph-conf.yaml", ceph_context)

ext4_context = ceph_context.copy()
if default_storage == "ceph-ext4":
ext4_context["default"] = True
ext4_context["default"] = False
ext4_context["pool_name"] = "ext4-pool"
ext4_context["fs_type"] = "ext4"
ext4_context["sc_name"] = "ceph-ext4"

xfs_context = ceph_context.copy()
if default_storage == "ceph-xfs" or default_storage == "auto":
xfs_context["default"] = True
xfs_context["default"] = False
xfs_context["pool_name"] = "xfs-pool"
xfs_context["fs_type"] = "xfs"
xfs_context["sc_name"] = "ceph-xfs"
render_template("csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml", ceph_context)

if get_snap_config("enable-cephfs", required=False) == "true":
cephfs_context = ceph_context.copy()
cephfs_context["default"] = default_storage == "cephfs"
cephfs_context["fsname"] = get_snap_config("ceph-fsname", required=True)
cephfs_context["mounter"] = (
get_snap_config("cephfs-mounter", required=False) or "default"
xfs_context = ceph_context.copy()
if default_storage == "ceph-xfs" or default_storage == "auto":
xfs_context["default"] = True
xfs_context["default"] = False
xfs_context["pool_name"] = "xfs-pool"
xfs_context["fs_type"] = "xfs"
xfs_context["sc_name"] = "ceph-xfs"
render_template("cephfs/secret.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-cephfsplugin.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/storageclass.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csidriver.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml", ceph_context)
render_template("csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml", ceph_context)

if get_snap_config("enable-cephfs", required=False) == "true":
cephfs_context = ceph_context.copy()
cephfs_context["default"] = default_storage == "cephfs"
cephfs_context["fsname"] = get_snap_config("ceph-fsname", required=True)
cephfs_context["mounter"] = (
get_snap_config("cephfs-mounter", required=False) or "default"
render_template("cephfs/secret.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-cephfsplugin.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-cephfsplugin-provisioner.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/storageclass.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-nodeplugin-rbac.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csi-provisioner-rbac.yaml", cephfs_context)
render_template("cephfs/csidriver.yaml", cephfs_context)
rendered = True
if get_snap_config("enable-keystone", required=False) == "true":
keystone_context = context.copy()
cert = get_snap_config("keystone-cert-file", required=True)
with open(cert, "rb") as image_file:
keystone_context["keystone_cert_file"] = base64.b64encode(
key = get_snap_config("keystone-key-file", required=True)
with open(key, "rb") as image_file:
keystone_context["keystone_key_file"] = base64.b64encode(
keystone_context["keystone_server_url"] = get_snap_config(
"keystone-server-url", required=True
keystone_context["keystone_server_ca"] = get_snap_config(
"keystone-server-ca", required=False
).replace("\n", "")

render_template("keystone-auth-certs-secret.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-deployment.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-service.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-rbac.yaml", keystone_context)
rendered = True
with retired("keystone"):
keystone_context = context.copy()
cert = get_snap_config("keystone-cert-file", required=True)
with open(cert, "rb") as image_file:
keystone_context["keystone_cert_file"] = base64.b64encode(
key = get_snap_config("keystone-key-file", required=True)
with open(key, "rb") as image_file:
keystone_context["keystone_key_file"] = base64.b64encode(
keystone_context["keystone_server_url"] = get_snap_config(
"keystone-server-url", required=True
keystone_context["keystone_server_ca"] = get_snap_config(
"keystone-server-ca", required=False
).replace("\n", "")

render_template("keystone-auth-certs-secret.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-deployment.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-service.yaml", keystone_context)
render_template("keystone-rbac.yaml", keystone_context)
rendered = True
if get_snap_config("enable-openstack", required=False) == "true":
openstack_context = context.copy()
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -221,9 +239,9 @@ def render_templates():
def render_template(file, context, required=True, render_filename=None):
source = os.path.join(template_dir, file)
if render_filename is None:
dest = os.path.join(addon_dir, file)
dest = os.path.join(render_dir, file)
dest = os.path.join(addon_dir, render_filename)
dest = os.path.join(render_dir, render_filename)
if not os.path.exists(source) and not required:
# allow for sub-dirs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -268,6 +286,9 @@ def prune_addons():
"""Deletes addons that have the cdk-addons=true label, but do not exist in
the template dir.
Ignores the addons that are in the ignored_resources list by removing the
cdk-addons- label.
We used to use kubectl apply --prune for this. Now we don't, because
kubectl apply --prune is very, very disappointing.
Expand All @@ -277,32 +298,36 @@ def prune_addons():
Instead of using that, we just have to do it ourselves.
current_addons = set()
current_addons, ignored_addons = set(), set()

def _include_addon(part):
def _include_addon(addon_set, part):
kind = part["kind"]
# If no namespace is specified, it's either an unnamespaced
# resource, or a namespaced resource that will end up in
# 'default'. We can delete both in the same way so we may
# as well put them in the same bucket.
namespace = part["metadata"].get("namespace", "default")
name = part["metadata"]["name"]
current_addons.add((kind, namespace, name))

for root, _, filenames in os.walk(addon_dir):
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
with open(path) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load_all(f)
for part in data:
kind = part["kind"]
if kind == "List":
# yaml is a single kind:List instead of joined yaml parts
for item in part["items"]:
# yaml is a set of joined parts
addon_set.add((kind, namespace, name))

def _assemble_addons(addon_set, path):
for root, _, filenames in os.walk(addon_dir):
for filename in filenames:
path = os.path.join(root, filename)
with open(path) as f:
data = yaml.safe_load_all(f)
for part in data:
kind = part["kind"]
if kind == "List":
# yaml is a single kind:List instead of joined yaml parts
for item in part["items"]:
_include_addon(addon_set, item)
# yaml is a set of joined parts
_include_addon(addon_set, part)

_assemble_addons(current_addons, addon_dir)
_assemble_addons(ignored_addons, retired_dir)

output = kubectl(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -342,16 +367,24 @@ def prune_addons():
namespace = metadata.get("namespace") or "default"
name = metadata["name"]

resource = kind, namespace, name
# skip if it's a current addon
if (kind, namespace, name) in current_addons:
if resource in current_addons:

if namespace in deletable_namespaces:

# it has our label but isn't a current addon, delete it!
print("Deleting %s %s/%s" % (kind, namespace, name))
args = ["delete", "--wait=false", kind, name, "-n", namespace]
# it has our label but isn't a current addon
if resource in ignored_addons:
# either actively ignore it
print("Ignoring %s %s/%s" % resource)
args = ["label", kind, name, "-n", namespace, "cdk-addons-"]
# or delete it!
print("Deleting %s %s/%s" % resource)
args = ["delete", "--wait=false", kind, name, "-n", namespace]

except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
Expand Down

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