Download files and and extract. They contain everything needed to build this Wireless throttle. The throttle uses an “ESP32” development board and some “dedicated” switches: a toggle Switch for Bell, a toggle Switch for Direction, real knob for the Speed. A Button for Whistle/Horn - short and long (short push/long push). And a button for Couplers – rear and front on separate functions, activated depending on direction, or on same function, or just for the “push/pull away-action”. “Dedicated” means: a switch called i.e. “Bell” calls the function “Bell” in a decoder no matter what function number it has configured for the Bell. Because the throttle connects to the JMRI WiThrottle Server it is independent from the type of DCC system. The functions are configured in the JMRI roster.
The main components in my throttle are:
As mentioned above the throttle has “Dedicated” switches. They are named: Whistle-short, Whistle-long, Bell, Coupler-rear, Coupler-front, Shunting, Drive-hold, Fade, Sound.
The JMRI WiThrottle Server Roster entries determine which function number is assigned to the extra Switches on the throttle.
A matching function name in the JMRI-Roster selects the function number that will be mapped to the switch.
So all you need to do is go to the JMRI Roster and put the names of the switches to the function number of the locomotive. If a function is not available or not needed, just don’t define it in the Roster.