Final Project for ECEN 5813 course
Hi, I am Bhargav and this is my repository of Principles of Embedded Software (ECEN 5813) Final Project.
Github URL:
I have used MCUXpresso environment for this assignment.
If you are unable to build and compile this code, please contact me on
Project Description, Functionality, Testing, Demo Video are all attached in the main folder. Source code and entire project is in the Final Project Folder
I would like to thanks Howdy Pierce (PES Prof.) a lot for making this course so informative and interesting. I really learnt a lot in this 4-month pursuing this course. I am thankful to Alexander Dean for explaining detailed implementation of every KL25Z components "Embedded Systems Fundamentals with ARM Cortex-M based Microcontrollers". I would also like to thanks the TAs of this course Nimish and Mukta for their help throughout the course.