This training material addresses modern scientific computing in C++, for people who already have some experience in legacy C++ programming (before C++ 11):
- Preparation before the course
- Day 1: From early C++ problems to modern C++ syntax
- Day 2: Programming idioms and standard library
- Day 3: C++ for scientific computing
- Bonus
Provided by Corolair (a password must be given by the teacher):
- Pythie++ has learned all the course and can answer your questions the best she can. Ask her !
- Socrate++ will rather try to make you think by yourself... Answer him !
Training and expertise
This project is mainly made of content written by David Chamont (CNRS) over many years. Vincent Rouvreau (INRIA) has contributed few documents when helping for a 2018 session. Olga Abramkina and Karim Hasnaoui (CNRS) have transated into english a large subset of the course, for the PRACE session at the beginning of 2021.
The final common day, more dedicated to the scientific computing facets, largely benefits from debates and experiments with the members of the IN2P3 project Reprises (french only): Hadrien Grasland, Pierre Aubert, Vincent Lafage, etc.
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