ATTENTION: The execution of the command
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:FixSoftElectronTagger-v1_from-CMSSW_7_4_1
in the following recipe fixes a bug in the soft-electron tagger in 74X. This bug is not fixed in the official 74X reconstruction, so one is effectively running an algorithm different from what is in the standard reconstruction!
cmsrel CMSSW_7_4_8
cd CMSSW_7_4_8/src
setenv CMSSW_GIT_REFERENCE /cvmfs/
git cms-init
git remote add btv-cmssw
git fetch --tags btv-cmssw
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:FixSoftElectronTagger-v1_from-CMSSW_7_4_1
git cms-merge-topic -u cms-btv-pog:CSVv2InCombinedMVA-v1_from-CMSSW_7_4_5
git clone -b V00-00-01 git:// MyAnalysis/EventCounter
git clone -b 7_4_X_25ns.00 RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements
scram b -j8
cd RecoBTag/PerformanceMeasurements/test/
cmsRun miniAOD=True maxEvents=100 reportEvery=1 wantSummary=True