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Simple validation library that allows you to centralize all Apex validations for an Object

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Guardian - Apex Validation Rules

Simple validation library that allows you to centralize all Apex validations for an Object.


public class AgeMustBe20OrGreater implements Guardian.IRule {
  String getErrorMessage() {
    return 'Age must be >= 20';

  Boolean validate(Object subject, Map<String, Object> args) {
    Map<String, Object> subjectRecord = (Map<String, Object>) subject;
    Integer subjectAge = (Integer) subjectRecord.get('Age');

    return subjectAge >= 20;


public class SuperValidationRuleSet extends Guardian.RuleSet {
  Set<System.Type> getValidationRules() {
    return new Set<System.Type>{

Run your validations with the Guardian.RuleSet's validate method


  • Object subject - The object to be validated
  • Map<String, Object> args - Key/Value args that will be passed into every Guardian.IRule.
    Only required if a Guardian.IRule depends on it.


  • Guardian.Result
    • hasInvalid - Boolean
    • validSubjects - List of subjects that passed every Guardian.IRule
    • invalidSubjects - List of subjects that failed one or more Guardian.IRule
      • Each subject is wrapped in the Guardian.Invalid object that provides the validation error messages

Method Variations

  • validate(Object subject)

  • validate(Object subject, Map<String, Object> args)

  • validate(List<Object> subjects)

  • validate(List<Object>, Map<String, Object> args)

How to use

public class RandomCaller {
  public static void awesomeMethod(List<SObject> records) {
    Guardian.RuleSet ruleSet = new SuperValidationRuleSet();
    Guardian.Result validationResult = ruleSet.validate(records);


    if (validationResult.hasInvalid) {
      List<Guardian.Invalid> invalidSubjects = validationResult.invalidSubjects;

      for (Guardian.Invalid invalidSubject : invalidSubjects) {


Guardian.Multi - Run validations for multiple object types

List<Account> myAccounts = ...;
List<Opportunity> myOpps = ...;

Map<System.Type, List<Object>> ruleSets =
  new Map<System.Type, List<Object>>{
    AccountRuleSet.class => myAccounts,
    OpportunityRuleSet.class => myOpps

Guardian.Multi multiGuardian = new Guardian.Multi(ruleSets);

Map<String, Object> args = new Map<String, Object>{
  'validAccountNames' => new Set<String>{'Acme'},
  'validOpportunityStageNames' => new Set<String>{'New', 'Closed'}

Map<System.Type, Guardian.Result> results = multiGuardian.validate(args);

Guardian.Result accountResults = results.get(AccountRuleSet.class);

List<Account> validAccounts = (List<Account>)accountResults.validSubjects;
List<Guardian.Invalid> invalidAccounts = accountResults.invalidSubjects;