I am a NodeJS developer with 15 years of coding experience.
I started in 2009 with HTML and CSS, making simple static web pages and expanding my knowledge over time. Around 2010/2011, I started to learn how to use JavaScript to create dynamic web apps. During this time I also learned a version of BASIC so I could program games for my 3DS using a DSi app called Petit Computer. In 2015 I found NodeJS and started using it to create some basic bots for various chat platforms.
My goal with coding is primarily to have fun, but I also enjoy helping others if it aligns with that. I enjoy being able to create something that other people can use and enjoy as well. With public projects, the wants and/or needs of the userbase are always my priority, because without a supportive userbase, the product has no real purpose. I take criticism well, and use suggestions to improve the product.
Over the last few years, my knowledge and experience with NodeJS have expanded. I am fluent in using JavaScript and JSON within the Node environment, as well as all the features of ES11. I also have a solid understanding of HTML and CSS, and am able to work with web apps or other browser-based environments.
Most recently I've been trying to get better at bash scripting, so I'm trying to find simple projects written in other languages that I can port to bash. My asciibots-bash project is one example of this, and in the future I hope to find more projects like it that I can port to bash.
[10/11 00:46]
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