Hello 😁
My name is Chelsea Aguilar. I am an undergraduate currently pursuing a BS in Computer Science at California State University Long Beach. My repositories consist of projects I have been working on in my coursework throughout my undergrad. I recently had the opportunity at Amex to work in a corporate enterprise GitHub repository where I worked on an individual branch to push commits for a microservice for a team. I look forward to adding more projects to my profile as I learn more and progress in my career by developing new interests/skills.
SKILL SET: Java, Python, SQL, NoSQL, Mongo DB, Postgres, HTML, CSS, AWS, VirtualBox
💥 I just finished a sprinternship with American Express where I worked in a team to develop a web application microservice using Intellij, Postman, Docker, Spring, and Postgres.
💯 Currently seeking Computer Science internships in any tech field for Summer 2023
🌱 Outside of school, I’m researching personal coding projects
📫 How to reach me: ch3ls3aguilar@gmail.com and LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chelcaguilar/
🌊 Fun fact: You can catch me surfing down at Huntington Beach or San O