The main features of ChecMate have been integrated into ai2-kit's CLL workflow.
lf you use this workflow or the corresponding functions in ai2-kit's CLL in in your research, please cite the following paper:
Yu-Xin Guo, Yong-Bin Zhuang, Jueli Shi, Jun Cheng; ChecMatE: A workflow package to automatically generate machine learning potentials and phase diagrams for semiconductor alloys. J. Chem. Phys. 7 September 2023; 159 (9): 094801.
It is suggested to create a virtual environment via conda
for your project. After your conda environment is activated, run the following command to install necessary tools.
pip install --user poetry
cd checmate/
poetry install
There may be a connection error during this process, try a few more times.
Before you run checmate, you should configure the pymatgen with the potcar files in your laptops/hpc/etc.. if you are using the potcar files from vasp 5.4, you should set
pmg config --add PMG_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONAL PBE_54
if you are using the potcar files from vasp 5.2, you should set
pmg config --add PMG_DEFAULT_FUNCTIONAL PBE_52
Otherwise, skip the above commands.
In the next, one should generate pymatgen potcar files using
pmg config -p <original_potentials_dir> mypsp
a mypsp
directory will be created in current directory.
move mypsp
to <somewhere>
configure the path, through which the pymatgen can find the potentials, the mypsp
pmg config --add PMG_VASP_PSP_DIR <somewhere>/mypsp
We refer interested readers to for detailed setup.
where the argument SETTING is the name of the parameter file in the JSON/YAML format, which should be determined by the user beforehand. And the argument WORKFLOW is the name of a specific workflow.
checmate --help