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Epilepsy QA System

Data source

We collected epilepsy data by use web crawler from some website, the form of raw data as follow:

    "_id" : ObjectId("5b768fb956339877d3d947a3"),
    "illnessType" : "癫痫",
    "Q" : "老年人群体为什么外伤容易导致癫痫",
    "Q_detailed" : "外公患上癫痫之后,相知道老年人群体为什么外伤容易导致癫痫",
    "A1" : "任何年龄的脑外伤后都可能发生癫痫病,一般脑外伤后要服二年的抗癫痫病药物预防。\n      指导意见:\n      癫痫病一旦确诊,就需要严格按医生分咐,按时按量,长期服用抗癫痫病药物治疗,不能随便减量,更不能随便停药。"


Our Q&A model mainly refer to DMN and DMN+.
Model frame as the following picture:

QA System Web Server

We use Flask to build a background server, and write a front-end page. Our model deployed on the background server. User can input their question, our system will return a answer.
The front-end page as the following picture:


  • pymongo 3.7.1
  • jieba 0.39
  • numpy 1.14.5
  • pandas 0.23.3
  • gensim 3.5.0
  • tqdm 4.25.0
  • tensorflow 1.9.0
  • Flask 1.0.2

How to run

if you want load and preprocess data, build and train word2vec (CBOW), build, train and test model, you can run the code as follow:


if you want start QA System Web Server, you can run the code as follow:

  sh -m modelPath