An implementation of Minimax AI Algorithm on Tic-Tac-Toe (or Noughts and Crosses) game.
Min-max is a decision-making algorithm which uses decision theory, game theory, statistics and philosophy to calculate the optimal move. The mechanism evaluates minimum lose and maximum profit. This logic can also be extended to play more complicated game like chess, checkers etc.
Pseudocode for Minimax Algorithm:
minimax( max_min_type):
IF the game is over and the bot won
THEN return 1
ELSE IF the game is over and the human
THEN retrun -1
ELSE IF the game is over and it's draw
THEN return 0
IF max_type algorithm THEN
best_score ← -10
FOR every move in a possible_mover_tabble
score ← minimax_algorithm(min_type)
IF score is greater then best_score THEN
best_score ← score
IF min_type algorithm THEN
best_score ← 10
FOR every move in a possible_mover_tabble
score ← minimax_algorithm(max_type)
IF score is smaller then best_score THEN
best_score ← score
return best_score
Welcome to Tic Tac Toe!
1 2 3
| |
1 | |
| |
2 | |
| |
3 | |
| |
Do you want to be 'X' (moves first) or 'O' ?
AI turn
1 2 3
| |
1 X | |
| |
2 | |
| |
3 | |
| |
Your turn
Which box (RowColumn)? :
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 | |
| |
3 | |
| |
AI turn
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 X | |
| |
3 | |
| |
Your turn
Which box (RowColumn)? :
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 X | |
| |
3 O | |
| |
AI turn
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 X | X |
| |
3 O | |
| |
Your turn
Which box (RowColumn)? :
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 X | X |
| |
3 O | | O
| |
AI turn
1 2 3
| |
1 X | | O
| |
2 X | X | X
| |
3 O | | O
| |
The computer has beaten you! You lose.
End the game!