A simple version of a Marriott Reservation System for the hotel in NY city. A GUI that allows an agent to input required information to book a room.
Design and implement a Marriott Reservation System for the hotel in New York city. Marriott has three types of rooms: a standard room that has one queen bed, a junior suite that has one queen bed and two sofas, and a luxury room that has one queen bed, two sofas, and an openable glass door. The standard room price is $150 per night. The junior suite price is $200 per night. The luxury room price is $240 per night. Marriott has 10 standard rooms, 6 junior suites, and 4 luxury rooms. This system should allow an agent to input a customer name, selected room type, arrival and departure dates. It should also provide the capability to calculate the total charge and display it on the screen.
- GUI:
A Graphic User Interface should be developed to allow an agent to input required information.
- Constructor:
A constructor sets the number of rooms.
- makeReservation():
A person reserves a room via makereservation method. This method returns an integer indicating
the room number and room type. If a customer tries to reserve a room but the rooms are sold out
an error message should be displayed.
- Confirmation:
If a customer reserved a room the person’s name, arrival date, departure date, room
number and total charge should be displayed.
- Inheritance:
Single inheritance must be used to demonstrate the concept of inheritance.