Diff tool based on google-diff-match-patch.
Also mentioned here on StackOverflow.
You have to have node.js installed in order to dmp
to work.
The main motivation to write this tool was to see letter specific diff
for unicode symbols (cyrillic letters in particular).
Now it is possible:
./dmp file1 file2 [--by-words]
Edit your .gitconfig like so:
difftool = true
tool = dmp
[difftool "dmp"]
cmd = ~/path/to/dmp \"$LOCAL\" \"$REMOTE\"
dd = difftool
dc = difftool --cached
sh = !"sh() { local c="$1"; c=${c:=HEAD}; git difftool $c~..$c; }; sh"
See letter specific diff with this git commands:
git dd # git diff --color-words=. analog
git dc # git diff --cached --color-words=. analog
git sh # git show --color-words=. analog