Uses cheerio to webscrape for udemy links instead of manually following links.
- The page scans for links to udemy courses.
- These links redirect to pages within freshercooker domain.
- These second pages finally contain the links to free udemy courses freshercooker uploads daily.
- This projects makes this process easy by fetching all the links on second page directly using web scraping.
Instructions to use:
- The project uses express to provide HTML interface so that users can open all the links at once.
- By default, '/' route loads links for courses on page 1.
- The user can pass query argument page to go to a specific page number. eg : '/?page=2' gives links on page 2 and so on.
- Open All button on the top of the page opens all links in separate Tabs.
Note : Make sure your browser allows multiple pages to be opened at once. If not allowed, only the first page in the list opens.