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This library provides an API that simplifies writing integration tests for Godot projects.


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Godot Test Driver

What is it?

This library provides an API that simplifies writing integration tests for Godot projects. It provides:

  • A very simple and minimal framework for interacting with Godot nodes from integration tests. With it, you can effectively decouple your integration tests from the implementation details of your Godot project.
  • Working implementations for sending commands, mouse clicks and keystrokes which you will need in every integration test.
  • Drivers for many of Godot's built-in nodes which you can use as building blocks for your integration tests.
  • A fixture implementation for setting up test fixtures and destroying them properly after the test.

What is it not?

GodotTestDriver is not a test framework. There are already a lot of test frameworks out there (e.g GodotXUnit, WAT, GDUnit, GoDotTest, etc.) so there is no need add another one to the list. Pick one and use GodotTestDriver on top of it. GodotTestDriver is also not an assertions library. Most test frameworks come with built-in assertions, and there are also standalone assertion libraries (like Shouldly) so just use these.

How to use GodotTestDriver


GodotTestDriver is published on NuGet. To add it use this command line command (or the NuGet facilities of your IDE):

dotnet add package GodotTestDriver --version 2.1.0

If you are targeting netstandard2.1 also add the following lines to your .csproj file to make it work with Godot:


Real-world example

You can check out the OpenSCAD Graph Editor project for a real-world example of how to use GodotTestDriver.


This library provides a Fixture class which you can use to create and automatically dispose of Godot nodes and scenes. The fixture ensures that all tree modifications run on the main thread.

using GodotTestDriver;

class MyTest {
     // You will need get hold of a SceneTree instance. The way you get
     // hold of it will depend on the testing framework you use.
    SceneTree tree = ...;
    Fixture fixture;
    Player player;
    Arena arena;
    // This is a setup method. The exact way of how stuff is set up
    // differs from framework to framework, but most have a setup
    // method.
    async Task Setup() {
        // Create a new Fixture instance.
        fixture = new Fixture(tree);
        // load the arena scene. It will be automatically
        // disposed of when the fixture is disposed.
        arena = await fixture.LoadAndAddScene<Arena>("res://arena.tscn");
        // load the player. it also will be automatically disposed.
        player = await fixture.LoadScene<Player>("res://player.tscn");
        // add the player to the arena.
    async Task TestBattle() {
        // load a monster. again, it will be automatically disposed.
        var monster = fixture.LoadScene<Monster>("res://monster.tscn");
        // add the monster to the arena
        // create a weapon on the fly without loading a scene.
        // We call fixture.AutoFree to schedule this object for
        // deletion when the fixture is cleaned up.
        var weapon = fixture.AutoFree(new Weapon());
        // add the weapon to the player.
        // run the actual tests.
    // You can also add custom cleanup steps to the fixture while
    // the test is running. These will be performed after the
    // test is done. This is very useful for cleaning up stuff
    // that is created during the tests.
    async Task TestSaving() {
        // save the game
        await GameDialog.SaveButton.Click();
        // instruct the fixture to delete our savegame in the
        // cleanup phase.
        fixture.AddCleanupStep(() => File.Delete("user://savegame.dat"));
        // assert that the game was saved

        // when the test is done, the fixture will run your custom
        // cleanup step (e.g. delete the save game in this case)
    // This is a cleanup method. Like the setup method, the exact
    // way of how stuff is cleaned up differs from framework to
    // framework, but most have a cleanup method.
    async Task TearDown() {
        // dispose of anything we created during the test.
        // this will also run all custom cleanup steps.
        await Fixture.Cleanup();

Loading scenes by naming convention

If you have many scenes in your project, it may become cumbersome to hard-code scene paths into your tests all the time. This will also make it harder to move scenes around in your project.

To solve this, you can make your scenes follow a naming convention. For example, say the root node of your Player/Player.tscn scene is the Player node which has its script stored in Player/Player.cs. You can then simply load the scene like this:

var player = await fixture.LoadScene<Player>();

For this to work, it is important that the scene file and the script file have the same name, same spelling and casing and must reside in the same directory. The only difference must be the file extension - .tscn for the scene file and .cs for the script file.

Test drivers


Test drivers serve as an abstraction layer between your test code and your game code. They are a high level interface through which the tests can "see" the game and interact with it. With a test driver, your game tests do not need to know how the game works under the hood. This makes your tests a lot more robust to change.

Producing nodes for the test driver to work on

Test drivers work on a part of the node tree. Each test driver takes a producer as argument, which is a function that is supposed to produce a node from the current tree that the driver will work on. E.g. the ButtonDriver takes a function that produces a button node.

How exactly this node is produced depends on your game and test setup. Lets say you would use a classic test framework that has some kind of Setup method:

class MyTest {

    ButtonDriver buttonDriver;
    async Task Setup() {
        buttonDriver = new ButtonDriver(() => GetTree().GetNodeOrNull<Button>("UI/MyButton"));
        // ... more setup here

In this example, the ButtonDriver would try to get the node it should work on using the GetNodeOrNull function. When the driver is constructed, it will not check whether the node is actually present. This only happens when the driver is used. This way you can set up a driver without having a matching node structure in place. This is very useful as node structures can dynamically change while your tests are running (e.g. a dialog can be added to the scene or removed from it, same with monsters or players).

Using the test driver

After you have created the test driver you can use it in your tests:

async Task TestButtonDisappearsWhenClicked() {
    // when
    // will click the button in its center. This will actually
    // move the mouse set a click and trigger all the events of a
    // proper button click.
    await buttonDriver.ClickCenter();
    // then
    // the button should be present but invisible.

Note how your tests now interface with the driver, rather than the underlying node structure. When the ClickCenter method is called and the button is not actually present and visible, the method will throw an exception explaining why you cannot click the button right now. This way you will get proper error messages when you are testing your game and not just NullReferenceExceptions which greatly helps in debugging tests.

Composition of test drivers

Using a test driver by its own is nice, but it is only enough for very simple cases. Most of the time you will have complex nested node structures that make up your game entities and the UI. You can therefore compose test drivers into tree-like structures to represent these entities. Let's say you have a dialog popping up asking the player whether they want to save the game before quitting. It consists of three buttons and a label.

You can write a custom driver that represents this dialog to your tests:

// the root of the dialog would be a panel container.
class ConfirmationDialogDriver : ControlDriver<PanelContainer> {

    // we have a label and three buttons 
    public LabelDriver Label { get; }
    public ButtonDriver YesButton { get; }
    public ButtonDriver NoButton { get; }
    public ButtonDriver CancelButton { get; }
    public ConfirmationDialogDriver(Func<PanelContainer> producer) : base(producer) {
        // for each of the elements we create a new driver, that
        // uses a producer fetching the respective node from below
        // our own root node. 

        // Root is a built-in property of the driver base class,
        // which will run the producer function to get the root node.
        Label = new LabelDriver(() => Root?.GetNodeOrNull<Label>("VBox/Label"));
        YesButton = new ButtonDriver(() => Root?.GetNodeOrNull<Button>("VBox/HBox/YesButton"));
        NoButton = new ButtonDriver(() => Root?.GetNodeOrNull<Button>("VBox/HBox/NoButton"));
        CancelButton = new ButtonDriver(() => Root?.GetNodeOrNull<Button>("VBox/HBox/CancelButton"));

Now we can use this driver in our tests to test the dialog:

ConfirmationDialogDriver dialogDriver;

async Task Setup() {
    // prepare the driver
    dialogDriver = new ConfirmationDialogDriver(() => GetTree().GetNodeOrNull<PanelContainer>("UI/ConfirmationDialog"));

async Task ClickingYesClosesTheDialog() {
    // when
    // we click the yes button.
    await dialogDriver.YesButton.ClickCenter();
    // then
    // the dialog should be gone.

Note that because of the way drivers are implemented dialogDriver.YesButton will never throw a NullReferenceException even if the button is currently not present in the tree. This greatly simplifies your testing code. Also your testing code now is fully decoupled from the actual node structure. If you decide to change the node structure of the dialog, you will only need to change the ConfirmationDialogDriver, instead of all the tests that use it.

Built-in drivers


Simulating mouse input

GodotTest provides a number of extension functions on Viewport that allow you to simulate mouse input in a viewport.

// you can move the mouse to a certain position (e.g. for simulating a hover)
await viewport.MoveMouseTo(new Vector2(100, 100));

// you can click at a certain position (default is left mouse button)
await viewport.ClickMouseAt(new Vector2(100, 100));

// you can give a ButtonList argument to click with a different mouse button
await viewport.ClickMouseAt(new Vector2(100, 100), ButtonList.Right);

// you can also send single mouse presses and releases
await viewport.PressMouse();
await viewport.ReleaseMouse();

// there is also built-in support for mouse dragging
// this will press the mouse at the first point, then move it to the 
// second point and release it there.
await viewport.DragMouse(new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(400, 400));

// again you can give a ButtonList argument to drag with a different mouse button
await viewport.DragMouse(new Vector2(100, 100), new Vector2(400, 400), ButtonList.Right);

All functions will wait until the events have been properly processed.

Simulating keyboard input

GodotTest provides a number of extension functions on SceneTree/Node that allow you to simulate keyboard input.

// you can press down a key
await node.PressKey(KeyList.A);
// you can also specify modifiers (e.g. shift+F1)
await node.PressKey(KeyList.F1, shift: true);
// you can also specify multiple modifiers (e.g. ctrl+shift+F1)
await node.PressKey(KeyList.F1, control: true, shift: true);

// you can release a key
await node.ReleaseKey(KeyList.A);

// you can also combine pressing and releasing a key
await node.TypeKey(KeyList.A);

All functions will wait until the events have been properly processed.

Simulating other actions

Since version 2.1.0 you can now also simulate actions like this:

// start the jump action
await node.StartAction("jump"); 
// end the jump action
await node.EndAction("jump");

// trigger an action (start and end in one function)
await node.TriggerAction("jump");

// hold an action pressed for 1 second
await node.HoldActionFor(1.0f, "jump");

Waiting extensions

GodotTestDriver provides a number of extension functions on SceneTree which allow you to wait for certain events to happen. This is a common requirement in integration tests, where you will click or send some key strokes and then some action happens that takes a while to process.

Fixture fixture;
// this is a custom driver for the game under test
ArenaDriver arena;

public async Task Setup() {
    fixture = new Fixture(GetTree());
    // add the arena to the scene
    var arenaInstance = fixture.LoadAndAddScene("res://arena.tscn");
    arena = new ArenaDriver(() => arenaInstance);

    // load a monster and put it into the arena
    var monster = fixture.LoadScene<Monster>("res://monster.tscn");

    // load a player and put it into the arena
    var player = fixture.LoadScene<Player>("res://player.tscn");

// you can wait for a certain amount of time for a condition
// to become true
public async Task TestCombat() {
    // when
    // i open the arena gates

    // then
    // within 5 seconds the player should be dead because
    // the monster will attack the player.
    await GetTree().WithinSeconds(5, () => {
        // this assertion will be repeatedly run every frame
        // until it either succeeds or the 5 seconds have elapsed  

// you can also check for a condition to stay true for a 
// certain amount of time
public async Task TestGodMode() {
    // setup
    // give god mode to the player

    // when
    // i open the arena gates

    // then
    // the player will not lose any health within the next 5 seconds 
    await GetTree().DuringSeconds(5, () => {
        // this assertion will be repeatedly run every frame
        // until it either fails or the 5 seconds have elapsed  
        Assert.Equal(arenaDriver.Player.MaxHealth, arenaDriver.Player.Health);


Why is everything async?

Integration tests in games usually trigger some operation and then need to wait for the operation to have effect. This waiting can last several frames. Using async / await makes it much easier to write such tests.

What should I consider when writing my own drivers?

  • All calls should succeed if the controlled object is in a suitable state to perform the requested operation. Otherwise these calls should throw an InvalidOperationException. For example if you use a ButtonDriver and the button is not currently visible when you try to click it, the driver will throw an InvalidOperationException.
  • All calls that potentially modify state should always be executed in the Process phase. You can use the await GetTree().ProcessFrame() extension function that is provided by this library to wait for the process phase.
  • All calls that raise events should wait for at least two process frames before they return. This is to ensure that the event has been properly processed before the call returns. This way you don't need to litter your tests with code that waits for a few frames. You can use the await GetTree().WaitForEvents() extension function that is provided by this library to wait for the events to be processed.
  • Producer functions should never throw an exception. If they cannot find the node, they should just return null.


This library provides an API that simplifies writing integration tests for Godot projects.







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