School project to customize a Spring Framework application with an HTML front-end and a Java backend for a retailer's inventory management system.
src/main/resources/templates/mainscreen.html, line 14, changes title to "My Soccer Shop";
-mainscreen.html, line 19, changes header to "Soccer Shop";
-mainscreen.html, line 21-22, adds static lists of parts and products;
new file: src/main/resources/templates/about.html;
-mainscreen.html, line 91, adds link to "About Us" page;
-about.html, line 5, adds "About Us" title
-about.html, line 8, adds "About Us" header
-about.html, line 9, adds description of business
-about.html, line 10, adds linebreak
-about.html, line 11, adds return link to mainscreen;
new file: src/main/java/com/example/demo/controllers/;, line 6-11, creates new class AboutController for page links;
com/example/demo/bootstrap/, lines 42-96, creates 5 new parts;, lines 79, creates 'inventoryCheck' boolean set to false;, lines 80-82, iterates through parts repository; changes inventoryCheck to true if any are found;, lines 108-110, iterates through products repository; changes inventoryCheck to true if any are found;, lines 119-130, if inventoryCheck is false, products & parts are added to repositories.
new file: src/main/resources/templates/buy-now.html;
-controllers/, line 171-191, creates new controller and method for buy-now . Checks product inventory and if zero, creates failure message. If >0, creates success message and reduces item inventory by 1.
-buy-now.html, line 9, creates display for success/failure message from controller;
-mainscreen.html, line 86, adds button for 'buy now' to product table;
com/example/demo/domain/, lines 31-34, creates minInv and maxInv class variables for Part;, lines 49-50, adds minInv and maxInv to constructor;, lines 59-59, adds minInv and maxInv to constructor;, lines 94-103, creates setter and getter methods for minInv and maxInv; -mainscreen.html, lines 38-39, adds table columns for min/max attributes; -mainscreen.html, lines 48-49, adds min/max attributes to table;, lines 49-50, add minimum and maximum to sample inventory part o1;, lines 58-59, add minimum and maximum to sample inventory part o2;, lines 67-68, add minimum and maximum to sample inventory part o3;, lines 76-77, add minimum and maximum to sample inventory part o4;, lines 85-86, add minimum and maximum to sample inventory part o5; -templates/InhousePartForm.html, lines 25-28, add form fields for minInv and maxInv; -templates/OutsourcedPartForm.html, lines 25-28, add form fields for minInv and maxInv;
src/main/resources/, line 6, renamed storage file as: "spring-boot-h2-db102-RENAMED"
new file: src/main/java/com/example/demo/validators/ new file: src/main/java/com/example/demo/validators/, line 4, adds import of ValidPartsInventory;, line 20, adds validation annotation to the Part class;
OutSourcedPartForm.HTML, line 22, changes field error to show class errors instead of just from the inv field; InhousePartForm.HTML, line 22, changes field error to show class errors instead of just from the inv field;, line 17-19, converts attributes inv,minInv,maxInv to Integer for logical tests;, line 20-21, creates various error messages for inventory minimum and inventory maximum warnings;, line 22-40, test if inventory drops below minimum or exceeds maximum, and assigns error message;; line 36, changes required part inventory test to minumum inventory, to prevent new products from reducing inventory below required level., lines 44, 53, 62, 71, 80; changes company name of parts to be more realistic., line 81, creates "soccer ball" as an available part.
src/test/java/com/example/demo/domain/, lines 153-160, creates test unit for minimum inventory field. src/test/java/com/example/demo/domain/, lines 161-168, creates test unit for maximum inventory field., file deleted because validator is unused;