This is a HTML/CSS and Javscript based conference web has been developed as part of a Microverse capstone project.
- Javascript
- Flexbox
- Linters (Lighthouse, Webhint, Stylelint, Eslint)
- Visual Studio Code
- Git & Github
- Description(This project is a website for a summit centred around shedding awareness on underpriviledged and orphaned children.)
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- git
- Broswer to Display
- IDE to run and edit the code
- It can be used as an conference or event web application.
👤 Chimwemwe Mkandawire
- GitHub: @chimwemwe007
- Twitter: @chxmz'
- LinkedIn: @chimwemwe-mkandawire'
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- The website design is from Behance, which was created by Cindy Shin.
- The icons used in this website are from Font Awesome.
- Hat tip to Microverse's code reviewers and to everyone who reviewed my project and made suggestions.
This project is MIT licensed.