A Linux serial port application that shows the time between received bytes in milliseconds and nanoseconds.
This tool was orginally designed to test and validate the callback functions for the CAS BACnet MSTP Stack on custom hardware. We have found the tool to be useful for detecting interbyte timeouts in serial protocol communications.
serialMonitor <port> <baudrate>
<port> - The TTY serial port that this application will monitor. Default: /dev/ttyS1
<baudrate> - The baud rate of the TTY serial port. Default: 38400
serialMonitor /dev/ttyS1 38400
serialMonitor /dev/ttyS2
serialMonitor /dev/ttyS3 9600
Below is an example output from the serialMonitor application
./serialMonitor /dev/ttyS5 38400
FYI: High speed serail monitor. Version:
FYI: Connecting to serial port. SerialPort=/dev/ttyS5, BaudRate=38400
FYI: Connected to serial port
| Time (ms) | CHAR | HEX |
* ---------- * -------- * -------- *
| 3172.003 | 0 | 00 |
| 0.489 | a | 0a |
| 10.226 | b | 0b |
| 10.379 | c | 0c |
| 10.926 | d | 0d |
| 20.361 | e | 0e |
| 30.979 | f | 0f |
| 41.015 | g | 0g |
| 50.169 | h | 0h |
A included makefile can be built with GCC
make all
This project also auto built using Gitlab CI on every commit.
A compiled version of the serial monitor is included in this repo. serialMonitor
- 0.0.2 Added CI build number. Updated make file to include "all", and "Clean" steps. Added Gitlab CI auto builds.
- 0.0.1 Initial version