A responsive MERN stack e-commerce application called CHIRAG which will help users to buy/order the clothes online and pay for them using stripe-checkout.
Order clothes online via 'CHIRAG💡'
On homepage you'll see the products and categories
Clicking on any category you'll be redirected to products page where you can filter products based on - price(asc), price(dsc), size & color
Clicking on any product you'll be redirected to product page where you can add that product to your cart with custom size and quantity
To checkout you need to login first
username and password to login / register first with email
Persistant login even after reload
Now at checkout you'll see stripe-checkout to pay and complete the payment
After successful order you'll get your orderID on screen
This project was created using the following technologies -
- ReactJs (for frontend)
- Redux-Toolkit (for managing and centralizing application state)
- React-router-dom (To handle routing)
- Axios (for making api calls)
- Styled Components & Material UI (for User Interface)
- React-persist (for persistant login)
- React-stripe (for payment checkout)
- Express (for backend)
- Mongoose
- JsonWebToken (For authentication)
- Crypto-js (for data/password encryption)
- Stripe (for payment)
- Cors (for cross origin sharing)
- MongoDB (MongoDB Atlas)