Health Data Science is a discipline that combines maths, statistics and technology to study different types of health problems using data. It provides the tools to manage and analyse very large amounts of different datasets across our healthcare systems.
Using health data for research helps us to better understand diseases and conditions – their causes, prevalence and symptoms – and it can provide new ways of treating them or spotting them earlier. There are lots of examples of how health data science has improved our knowledge of health and care and has helped solve challenging health problems.
- Patient data from the NHS and social care, including hospital and primary care administration data (e.g. dates and times of appointments) through to information about treatment, medical and diagnostic tests.
- Studies about the health of groups of people, which may be based on a particular health condition (e.g. cancer), or issues which affect the health of people (e.g. smoking).
- Data from blood or tissue samples which can be used to derive genetic information
- Data from images, which include x-rays, MRI, CT images that contain a huge amount of information
- Health and fitness devices, which provide data on things like heart rate, activity and calories
- Introduction to Health Data Science
- Health Data Management
- Epidemiology for Health Data Science
- Fundamental Math Concepts(Numbers, Sets, Combinatorics, Probability & Matrix)
- Introduction to Biostatistics for Health Data Science
- Advance Biosatistics Methods for Health Data Science
- Introduction to Python for Health Data Science
- Health Data Management with Pandas
- Data Visualizations with Matplotlib, Seaborn, Plotnine & Plotly
- Machine Learning for Health Data Science with Scikit-learn
- Genomics Health Data Analysis with Python
- Introduction to R for Health Data Science
- Health Data Management with
- Data Visualizations with ggplot2 & Plotly
- Dashboard Building for Health Care(flexboard, Dash & Shiny)