This project is used to archive the current overlay for landline data transmission technologies of Deutsche Telekom's coverage map in specific regions on a daily basis:
- Tamm: since March 14, 2021
- Karlsruhe: since Juli 04, 2021
Breitbandausbaumonitor (front end)
Breitbandausbaumonitor (front end)
Just open a pull request with a new DownloadCoverageTask
in build.gradle.kts.
For example, the following task is used to fetch the coverage overlay for Karlsruhe:
tasks.register<DownloadCoverageTask>("downloadCoverageForKarlsruhe") {
The required parameters for bbox
(Bounding Box) and size
can be determined from the corresponding request when viewing the
the coverage map:
Please do not try to cover too large areas, as the file size of the downloaded SVG grows quickly.
For the source code within this repository: Apache-2.0
(of course not for the archived SVGs and the legend)