Chlorine compiling service to use with Plunker
Start the server
lein ring server
lein run
- Include compiled
library for your strategy. (You don't need this if 'bare' strategy is used.)
<script src="{host}/{strategy}/prelude.js"></script>
- Include your cl2 script. Yes, the path is in compiling service's server instead of a relative one. The service will look at each request's referer header to determine URL to the cl2 script then fetch and serve its compiled counterpart to users.
<script src="{host}/{strategy}/script.cl2"></script>
where {HOST} can be any host where this software is running. {strategy} can be one of these: bare, prod, prod-compate, dev
- These demos show how compiling errors are reported to Plunker users:
- Timeout compiling
- Error expanding macro
- Expected error here
Copyright (C) 2012-2014 Hoang Minh Thang
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.