eForth1 v2.4.0
This is mainly a maintenance release with the following updates
- Interrupt Service handler
- add Pin Change Interrupt handlers
- add timer interrupt timing arbitration
- Meta-compilation (for eForth ROM image)
- add Makefile for Linux build and debugging on Desktop
- cross-platform/C Forth image assembler (no Arduino or C++ dependency)
- Basic Examples
- 3_servo - controls 8 servos
- 5_7seg - drives a 4 digit 7-segment LED display
- 7_usound - drives HC-SR04 distance sensing
- 9_bluetooth - communicate with HC-05
- 10_dht - humidity and temperature sensing with DHT-11
- Advanced Examples
- 8_kame - control 4-legged robot with IR and ultrasound
- 11_rf - long range WiFi control/communication with nRF24L01s