Employee Management Application
This project is an Employee Management Application built with React and Material UI (MUI). The app provides a responsive interface for managing employee data, including the status of their work documents (Visa, Passport, Work Permit, 90-Day Report). Users can filter, search, sort, and export the data, making the management process efficient and user-friendly.
- Responsive Design: The app is designed to adjust seamlessly across different screen sizes, ensuring usability on mobile and desktop devices.
- Employee List Display: Displays a table of employee details, including their real names, nicknames, and the status of their key documents (Visa, Passport, Work Permit, and 90-Day Reports).
- Document Status Calculation: Automatically calculates the remaining validity of each employee’s documents and categorizes their status:
- Expired (หมดอายุ): The document is no longer valid.
- Urgent Renewal (ต่ออายุด่วน): The document will expire within 31 days.
- About to Expire (ใกล้หมดอายุ): The document will expire within 31–61 days.
- Normal (ปกติ): The document is valid for more than 61 days.
- Data Filtering: Filter employees by their document status. Available statuses include:
- All (ทั้งหมด)
- Urgent Renewal (ต่ออายุด่วน)
- About to Expire (ใกล้หมดอายุ)
- Expired (หมดอายุ)
- Normal (ปกติ)
- Search Functionality: Users can search for employees by their real names or nicknames.
- Sorting: The list of employees can be sorted based on document expiration dates, with an option to toggle between ascending and descending order.
- Pagination: Supports pagination for easy navigation through large employee datasets.
- Export Functionality: Provides an option to export filtered employee data to Excel format for offline access or reporting.
- Loading Indicator: Displays a loading spinner while fetching data from the API.
- Material UI Components: Includes Table, TableCell, TableHead, TableBody, Button, Typography, IconButton, Menu, TextField, TablePagination, and more for building the UI.
- Icons: Uses MUI icons like AddIcon, ArrowUpward, ArrowDownward, and MoreVertIcon for user actions such as sorting and adding data.
- Moment.js: Used for managing and formatting date-related operations, such as calculating document expiration times.
- Axios: For making API requests to fetch employee data.
- EmployeeTable: Displays the list of employees along with their document status and actions.
- Loading Indicator: Displays a loading spinner when employee data is being fetched from the API.
- Export Functionality: Provides an Excel export button to download the currently displayed employee data.
- Dynamic Sorting: Allows users to sort the employee list by the expiration dates of their documents.
- Search & Filter: Includes text fields and dropdown filters to refine the list of employees based on search queries or document statuses.
The application integrates with a backend API using Axios to fetch employee data, including:
- Employee name and nickname
- Status of documents (Visa, Passport, Work Permit, 90-Day Report)
- Expiration dates of each document
- Search Employees: Search for employees by their real names or nicknames.
- Filter by Status: Filter employees by document status using the dropdown menu.
- Sort Data: Click on the sort icon to arrange employees by the expiration dates of their documents, either in ascending or descending order.
- Export Data: Export the currently filtered list of employees as an Excel file.
- Pagination: Navigate through different pages of employee data using pagination controls.
This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying app/page.tsx
. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
This project uses next/font
to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- Next.js Documentation - learn about Next.js features and API.
- Learn Next.js - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
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The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the Vercel Platform from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our Next.js deployment documentation for more details.