A text-based programming language that compiles down to Scratch SB2
Inspired by ApuC by @MegaApuTurkUltra.
- Scoped variables and arrays
- Full recursion support
- Compile-time type support
- Complete thread safety
- Modules, so different sprites can have common functionality
- Inline voids and repeat loops
- Optional parameters
- Constants
- Unicode escaping within strings
Once the Choop compiler has been completed, an editor will be made for Choop.
You can see the documentation for the syntax of Choop at Syntax.md. To get a feel for the language, check out the sample projects You can also view the Antlr grammar file for Choop here. Eventually, a table of inbuilt functions will be produced.
Whilst Choop can be used to create any type of Scratch project, I have provided these recommendations of what should be made in Choop so you can easily see whether it is right for you.
Of course, there are exceptions to every rule and this guidance should not be taken as gospel.
- Large, resource intensive projects
- Mathematical projects
- Pen-based projects
- Engines
- Projects where tracking changes / version control may be beneficial
- Projects which would benefit from recursion and custom functions
- Animations
- Tutorials
- Art projects
Currently, significant functionality is missing from from the Choop compiler.
Scratch is a project of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at the MIT Media Lab.