Releases: chrfrantz/IG-Parser
IG Parser v0.5
Added input validation feature to web UI to check input prior to engaging parsing. This release further includes a revised inclusion of IG Script in output generation (bug fix) and added the option to include the original statement as part of the output. Added support for special character '@'. Various minor refinements.
IG Parser v0.4
This release includes refinements in documentation, licensing as well as restructuring and commenting of codebase. Includes bugfix (service failure when parsing pair combinations missing logical operators).
IG Parser v0.3
This release adds the option to include the original IG Script input (i.e., the coded institutional statement) in the generated tabular output by adding an additional column, variably for the first atomic statement only, or for all atomic statements. Note that coders relying on this feature should be cautious to consistently select the appropriate option, since it affects the schema of the generated output (the local browser should save the setting, however).
IG Parser v0.2.1
This is a bugfix release that hardens the parser by testing for duplicate statement input (e.g., erroneous copy-pasting), which can lead to resource exhaustion during parsing. No other feature extensions are included.
IG Parser v0.2
This release includes a range of novel features, including the simplification of the combination syntax (omission of superfluous parentheses), the ability to parse component pair combinations (e.g., pairs of actions and direct objects, where one action is linked with one object, and the second with the other object). A UI refinement is the automated saving of input fields and parameters in browser storage (this will only be locally stored in your browser and not transmitted outside your machine or even between your own browsers).
Initial release of IG Parser
Initial release of IG Parser including basic encoding of individual components, component combinations, as well as nested components and nested statement combinations in the IG Script syntax. The syntax supports encoding on all levels of expressiveness of the Institutional Grammar 2.0. This release supports different output formats, including tabular (supporting downstream processing) and visual output (visualizing the generated statement tree).
Note that this release contains various limitations, including the lacking support pair component encoding covered in future releases, and should not be used in production.