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DBSCAN NetLogo Extension for Unsupervised Clustering of Agents and Patches

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@chrfrantz chrfrantz released this 30 May 09:39
· 15 commits to master since this release

This release adds support for clustering of patches by variable (in addition to individual agents). This release runs on NetLogo versions from 5.* onwards, but clustering of patches is only supported for NetLogo 6 onwards.

Choose the zip file that corresponds to your NetLogo version. Extract the folder dbscan (including folder and contained files) into your model directory or into extensions subfolder of your NetLogo installation (for the use across different models). Note: For NetLogo 6.1 onwards, the automated installation via NetLogo's Extension Manager is recommended as an alternative to manual installation (see README for details).

Use the demo model dbscan-clustering-demo-v5.nlogo (without clustering of patches), or dbscan-clustering-demo-v6.nlogo for NetLogo versions 6 and 6.1, to test the clustering. The corresponding demo model is contained in the release binary archives.

For further details on installation and usage, see the README.