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Chris Marsh edited this page Feb 13, 2021 · 4 revisions


Sourcing the prompt

To load the PureLine prompt you need to source the script into bash;

$ cd pureline
$ source ./pureline

Sourcing the script without any parameters will give you a basic Pureline prompt using standard characters and symbols with 3 segments; user, path and read-only (which is only visible when your in a read-only directory);


You can add more options to the prompt by including a config file

$source ./pureline ./configs/powerline_full_256col.conf

You should now have a prompt full of information using Powerline font symbols;


It is recommended you copy one the example config files from pureline/configs and place it in your ~/.config directory where you can edit with your own settings.

cp pureline/configs/powerline_full_256col.conf ~/.config/pureline.conf

Now you can have PureLine sourced on all your bash sessions by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc,

source ~/pureline/pureline ~/.config/pureline.conf

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