This repository represents my entry into the recent Kaggle Speech Recognition Competition, this was my first ever Kaggle competition and I went into it with no domain knowledge so achieving a Leaderboard score of 0.852 (top 24%) was a unexpected surprise. This was quite challenging due to two factors 1. I had not applied neural networks to anything but toy examples before. 2. I'd never needed to create my own data preprocessing pipeline before. The work paid off and I learned a lot, ultimately though due to time constraints I couldn't spend much time finalising my solution but never the less I'm happy with my result.
- Python 3.6
- TensorFlow 1.4.1
- Keras 2.1.1
- Librosa 0.5.1
- Scipy 1.0.0
- Sklearn 0.19.1
- Pandas 0.21.0
- Download the competition data from The Competition website.
- Extract both the training and test data into the /input/ folder.
- run
from the root folder.
- input
- test - Testing data
- train - Training data
- logs - Tensorboard Logs
- notebooks - Jupyter notebooks
- src
- models - Stores all the implemented models.
- mel_models - Models developed to be used solely on MFCC's.
- raw_audio_models - Models that can only be used on raw audio or other 1-d inputs.
- preprocessing - Preprocessing and feature representation related code.
- models - Stores all the implemented models.
- - Main entrypoint to running the code.
The entrypoint,, has the below overall code flow: Load data -> Create data generators -> Create model -> Attach Callbacks -> Train model for n epochs -> Run predictions over test set. -> Write predictions.
To run the notebooks:
run docker build kaggle-speech-recognition -t kaggle-speech
to generate the docker image
run docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}:/home/jovyan/work -p 8888:8888 kaggle-speech
to run docker.
Data pre-processing was a key part of this challenge and raised my score by 2-3%, demonstrations of these techniques can be found within the analytics notebook but below is a short list of techniques.
- Time Shifting - Shifting the start/end positions of the audio.
- Silence Slice - Gets a random slice of background noise (silence) rather than a fixed slice..
- Add Background Noise - Randomly splice in low volume background noise into audio examples.
- Amplitude Scaling - Randomly Adjust the volume of an audio example.
- Time Stretching - Stretch/Shrink the audio, allows for a clear view at each audio 'character'
- Pitch Scaling - Adjust the pitch of a speakers voice.
While experimenting I used and developed several different audio feature representations, all found within the src/preprocessing/ file. These representations are:
- Normalized 1-d Audio.
- Log Spectrogram (Generated with scipy Signal).
- Log Spectrogram (Generated with librosa).
- Log Mel Spectrogram
- Log Mel Filter Banks
- Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients
Overall I trained 6 different models over 6 different feature representations which have made it into this repository, several attempts were made at creating a CRNN model utilising CTC loss but these attempts were incomplete and therefore omitted from this repository. While all models attained a local validation accuracy of between 88-95% generally the smaller models performed better on the leader board set. Below is a list of the models within this repository.
- general_cnn - Best model that was used to set a baseline over all feature representations.
- mel_models/CNN - Small CNN similar to the TensorFlow speech recognition tutorial.
- mel_models/DenseNet - DenseNet based approach.
- mel_models/ResNet - ResNet based approach.
- mel_models/VGG - VGG based approach.
- raw_audio_models/CNN - Small CNN similar to the tensorflow speech recognition tutorial performed on 1d audio data.