New Maven group name
To better seperate the libraries released under my domain, I'm moved all of the libraries to the dev.chrisbanes.insetter
- implementation 'dev.chrisbanes:insetter:XXX'
+ implementation 'dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter:0.4.0'
- implementation 'dev.chrisbanes:insetter-dbx:XXX'
+ implementation 'dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter-dbx:0.4.0'
- implementation 'dev.chrisbanes:insetter-widgets:XXX'
+ implementation 'dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter-widgets:0.4.0'
Note: Only the Maven dependency group name has changed. The package name is unaffected.
Re-written in Kotlin
The whole library has now been converted to Kotlin to increase development speed. For this release, we've kept the exact existing API, so anyone using this from Java should see no API changes.
Going forward we will be updating the API to improve the ergonomics for Kotlin users. We will of course maintain compatability for Java users, but not necessarily the exact API we currently have.
KTX library has been removed
Since the whole library is now written in Kotlin, we no longer require a seperate KTX library. The KTX library has been removed in v0.4.0, and it's extension functions moved to the main library. This means you can safely remove the ktx dependency and use the main library like so:
- implementation 'dev.chrisbanes:insetter-ktx:XXX'
+ implementation 'dev.chrisbanes.insetter:insetter:0.4.0'
New website and docs
We now have a proper documentation website with API docs 🎉: https://chrisbanes.github.io/insetter/
Bug fixes
Thanks to @VitaliyBelyaev and @mercuriy94 for lots of bug fixes (see below). Sorry for taking so long to release them!
I'll soon begin working on updating Insetter to include support for the new inset types introduced in Android 11, as well as exploring support for WindowInsetsAnimation. Coming soon...
All changes
- Rename Maven group to dev.chrisbanes.insetter (#85) @chrisbanes
- Convert the widgets library to Kotlin (#84) @chrisbanes
- Convert the DBX library to Kotlin (#83) @chrisbanes
- Update CI caching (#82) @chrisbanes
- Add website (#81) @chrisbanes
- Move KTX contents into library (#80) @chrisbanes
- Add working tests for dbx extensions (#29) @chrisbanes
- Convert Insetter main library to Kotlin (#78) @chrisbanes
- Add API tracking (#77) @chrisbanes
- Dependency updates (#76) @chrisbanes
- Add requestLayout() call on parent view for pre 26 API level (#75) @VitaliyBelyaev
- Add the ability to reuse insetter (#71) @mercuriy94
- Add reuse of Insetter to InsetterConstraintHelper (#72) @mercuriy94