This repo demonstrates standing up a GCP project using the SDK first. Then allowing you to use a created service account within the project to deploy resources in Terraform.
The example service that will be deployed into the project is a python helloworld container using endpoint and an NLB.
- Deploy a simple instance group with one container running the simple_api_server
- Add an Google Endpoint to it.
- Add a simple NLB
- Add the SSL certificate
It uses - GCP, SSL certificates, NLB, Docker, Python, Swagger, API Endpoints and GCE VM's. A GKE version will be coming soon.
This could have been achieved with a serverless solution and this would have had its merits. However, I thought I'd create an interesting exercise.
The API endpoint will return "hello world" curl\?key\=[key]
It uses an API key as part of the endpoints simple auth. The idea is that this allow rate limiting and all the goodness of a API gateway. curl\?key=[key]
There is also a health endpoint. curl\?key\=[key]
There is also a registered subdomain. However, there is some slight misconfiguration that needs addressing. This is where I have run out of time.
Fix some of the issues:
- Api needs enabling manually gcloud --project simple-terraform-guestdemo-001 services enable
- The Ip address passed to the openapi schema is incorrect. You'll need to modify the schema target ip to the external ip of the instance or NLB gcloud --project=simple-terraform-demo-001 endpoints services deploy ./simple_api_server/openapi/service_api.template.fix.yaml
- The container should be using gunicorn to host flask.
- The NLB backend seems to be incorrectly configured. It's not pointing correctly after deployment.
- A GCP account
- Terraform
- GoogleCloud SDK
Make sure you switch to the correct configuration before deploying.
gcloud config configurations activate <configname>
Copy to and fill out the values.
Overriding Terraform environment with your own values.
export PROJECT_ID="simple-terraform-demo-001"
export GOOGLE_CLOUD_KEYFILE_JSON=$(pwd)/manual-terraform-sa-${PROJECT_ID}.json
export TF_VAR_region_a="europe-west1"
export TF_VAR_region_a_zone="europe-west1-c"
export TF_VAR_project_name=${PROJECT_ID}
export TF_VAR_project_id=${PROJECT_ID}
export TF_VAR_endpoint_name="cntfdemo"
export TF_VAR_domain_name=""
# gcloud organizations list
# gcloud beta billing accounts list
# Manually create an API key in the console
export ENDPOINTS_KEY=<key>
. ./
terraform init
terraform plan
Deploy the resources
. ./
terraform apply
Test the endpoints with the following
. ./
terraform destroy
During deployment you can improve the trace logging from Terraform
The certificate can take a long time to propagate on the cloud load balancers.
Use the ./ shell command
watch -n 10 ./
Using it too many times on some accounts may have restricted quotas on global static ip. For this you'll either have to increase the quota or remove a current ip.